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Tara (Tradução)

I know where to go tomorrow I know where to go tomorrow Eu sei para onde ir amanhã Where tears will not find me Where tears will not find me Onde lágrimas não vai me encontrar And I'll give you this song And I'll give you this song E eu vou dar-lhe esta canção When autumn rays come down When autumn rays come down Quando os raios de outono desce Ring out the bells on Tara Ring out the bells on Tara Ressoam os sinos em Tara My destiny in your hands My destiny in your hands Meu destino em suas mãos I'm waiting at the crossroads I'm waiting at the crossroads Eu estou esperando na encruzilhada Waiting for you Waiting for you Esperando por você With the blossoms around us With the blossoms around us Com as flores ao nosso redor Promising true Promising true Promissores verdade Dreaming on the high wind Dreaming on the high wind Sonhando com o vento de alta Dream it for you Dream it for you Sonho para você And return to our lost ocean blue And return to our lost ocean blue E retornar ao nosso perdido oceano azul I want to believe forever I want to believe forever Eu quero acreditar para sempre Sleep softly beside me Sleep softly beside me Sono suavemente ao meu lado And I'll give you this heart And I'll give you this heart E eu vou lhe dar este coração When morning dew falls down When morning dew falls down Quando o orvalho da manhã cai Stood by the hill of Tara Stood by the hill of Tara Estava junto ao morro de Tara Feel the love in the land Feel the love in the land Sentir o amor na terra I'm waiting at the crossroads I'm waiting at the crossroads Eu estou esperando na encruzilhada Waiting for you Waiting for you Esperando por você With the blossoms around us With the blossoms around us Com as flores ao nosso redor Promising true Promising true Promissores verdade Dreaming on the high wind Dreaming on the high wind Sonhando com o vento de alta Dream it for you Dream it for you Sonho para você And return to our lost ocean blue And return to our lost ocean blue E retornar ao nosso perdido oceano azul Éist fuaim ! An Chláirseach ! Éist fuaim ! An Chláirseach ! EIST fuaim! Um Chláirseach! Ar bharr Teamhair Ar bharr Teamhair Ar bharr Teamhair Seo chugaibh an tArd rí Seo chugaibh an tArd rí Seo chugaibh um rí tard Ar bharr Teamhair Ar bharr Teamhair Ar bharr Teamhair (Listen to the sound of the harp! The High Kings have arrived on the Hill of Tara) (Listen to the sound of the harp! The High Kings have arrived on the Hill of Tara) (Ouça o som da harpa! The Kings Alta chegaram na Colina de Tara) I'm waiting at the crossroads I'm waiting at the crossroads Eu estou esperando na encruzilhada Waiting for you Waiting for you Esperando por você With the blossoms around us With the blossoms around us Com as flores ao nosso redor Promising true Promising true Promissores verdade Dreaming on the high wind Dreaming on the high wind Sonhando com o vento de alta Dream it for you Dream it for you Sonho para você And return to our lost ocean blue And return to our lost ocean blue E retornar ao nosso perdido oceano azul

Composição: Moya Brennan/Ross Cullum

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