
Ten Seconds To Love

Dez Segundos Para Amar

Aqui eu venho Here I come Here I come Minha mente está definida My mind is set My mind is set Prepare-se para o amor Get ready for love Get ready for love Você é meus 10 segundos querida You're my ten second pet You're my ten second pet (verso) (Verse) (Verse) Toque minha arma Touch my gun Touch my gun Mas não aperte meu gatilho But don't pull my trigger But don't pull my trigger Façamos história Let's make history Let's make history No elevador In the elevator In the elevator Ou feche a porta Or lock the door Or lock the door Lustre minha pistola mais um pouco Shine my pistol some more Shine my pistol some more Aqui vou eu Here I cum Here I cum Só mais dez segundos Just ten seconds more Just ten seconds more Refrão: (Chorus) (Chorus) Dez segundos para amar Ten seconds to love Ten seconds to love Dez segundos para amar Ten seconds to love Ten seconds to love Aperte meu gatilho Pull my trigger Pull my trigger Minhas armas carregadas com seu amor My guns loaded with your love My guns loaded with your love Dez segundos para amar Ten seconds to love Ten seconds to love Dez segundos para amar Ten seconds to love Ten seconds to love Espere querida Just wait honey Just wait honey Até eu contar para os garotos sobre você Till I tell the boys about you Till I tell the boys about you Traga uma namorada Bring a girlfriend Bring a girlfriend Ou talvez traga duas Maybe bring two Maybe bring two Eu tenho minha câmera I got my camera I got my camera Faço você uma estrela Make a star outta you Make a star outta you Iniciemos Let's inject it Let's inject it Fotografá-la Photograph it Photograph it Vamos ao metrô Down to the subway Down to the subway Deixe os garotos terem isto Let the boys have it Let the boys have it (Refrão) (Chorus) (Chorus) (falar) (Talk) (Talk) Chegou lá em baixo Reach down low Reach down low Deslize-o bem devagar Slide it in real slow Slide it in real slow Eu quero ouvir o seu rugido de motores I wanna hear your engines roar I wanna hear your engines roar Antes eu estou na porta Before I'm in the door Before I'm in the door (Solo) (Solo) (Solo) (Falar) (Talk) (Talk) Você se sente tão bem You feel so good You feel so good Você quer fazer algo mais Do you want some more Do you want some more Eu tenho mais um tiro I got one more shot I got one more shot Antes eu estou a porta Before I'm out the door Before I'm out the door (Solo) (Chorus) (Chorus) (Falar) (Talk) (Talk) Estava muito quente pra você Was it hot for you Was it hot for you Você rodeia este fogo Did you fire this round Did you fire this round O segundo em que eu estou através The second that I'm through The second that I'm through Vou deixar esta cidade I'll be leaving this town I'll be leaving this town

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