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Blind of our futures Blind of our futures Cego de nossos futuros Destined to shoes we know won't fit Destined to shoes we know won't fit Destinado aos sapatos sabemos que não vai caber Riding high amongst the ignorance Riding high amongst the ignorance Voando alto entre a ignorância I'm guessing for the bliss I'm guessing for the bliss Eu estou supondo para a felicidade Counting down the days and hours till we meet again Counting down the days and hours till we meet again Contando os dias e as horas até nos encontrarmos novamente I'll scream through all these trees I'll scream through all these trees Eu vou gritar por todas essas árvores This voice I'll project This voice I'll project Esta voz que vou projetar If you love don't let it go from If you love don't let it go from Se você ama, não deixá-lo ir de We will be the first to wonder We will be the first to wonder Vamos ser o primeiro a saber Where life meets living Where life meets living Onde a vida encontra vivendo I'll wish full forever, I've been wishful all along I'll wish full forever, I've been wishful all along Eu vou desejar completa para sempre, eu tenho sido positivo ao longo de toda And we can plot and plan, make our mends And we can plot and plan, make our mends E nós podemos planejar e planejar, fazer nossas menda But what we got, it will never be gone But what we got, it will never be gone Mas o que temos, ele nunca vai ter ido embora Rip through me, rip through my words Rip through me, rip through my words Rip através de mim, rasgar as minhas palavras Pour me out, push me forwards Pour me out, push me forwards Deite-me, me empurrar para a frente Take all that I got to give, cause these times were made for ending Take all that I got to give, cause these times were made for ending Pegue tudo o que eu tenho para dar, porque estes tempos foram feitas para acabar com (Though I wish they weren't) (Though I wish they weren't) (Embora eu desejo que eles não eram) I'll love you forever, hell I've loved you all along I'll love you forever, hell I've loved you all along Eu vou te amar para sempre, o inferno Eu te amei o tempo todo And since screams and shouts And since screams and shouts E uma vez que os gritos e gritos Won't stretch these clocks Won't stretch these clocks Não vai esticar esses relógios Let's live our time by Let's live our time by Vamos viver o nosso tempo "Oh just one more song" "Oh just one more song" "Ah, só mais uma canção" Late at night you'll be tucked up Late at night you'll be tucked up Tarde da noite, você vai ser dobrado para cima I'll be cold but you'll soon suck up I'll be cold but you'll soon suck up Eu vou ser frio, mas em breve você vai chupar All that I've got to give All that I've got to give Tudo o que eu tenho para dar And to be honest I'm quite okay with it And to be honest I'm quite okay with it E para ser honesto, eu estou muito bem com ele If you love don't let it go from If you love don't let it go from Se você ama, não deixá-lo ir de We will be the first to wonder We will be the first to wonder Vamos ser o primeiro a saber Where life meets living Where life meets living Onde a vida encontra vivendo (Your hands, hold tight, don't spend all of your time tryna' remember living) (Your hands, hold tight, don't spend all of your time tryna' remember living) (Suas mãos, segure apertado, não gastar todo o seu tempo tentando dar em lembrar de estar) We don't need a place and time, no We don't need a place and time, no Nós não precisamos de um lugar e de tempo, não We got all the places and times we need, We got all the places and times we need, Temos todos os lugares e momentos que precisamos, Or so we think Or so we think Ou então pensamos We don't need a place and time, no We don't need a place and time, no Nós não precisamos de um lugar e de tempo, não We got all the places and times we need, We got all the places and times we need, Temos todos os lugares e momentos que precisamos, Or so we think, lets just think Or so we think, lets just think Ou pelo menos assim pensamos, vamos apenas pensar

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