It must have been moonglow It must have been moonglow Deve ter sido o brilho da lua, way up in the blue, way up in the blue, que ia alta no céu it must have been moonglow it must have been moonglow Deve ter sido o brilho da lua, that led me straight to you. that led me straight to you. que me levou a me aproximar de você I still hear you saying I still hear you saying Eu ainda ouço você dizendo: 'dear one, hold me fast' 'dear one, hold me fast' "Querido, me abrace rápido" and I start in praying and I start in praying E eu me mantenho rezando, oh Lord, please let this last. oh Lord, please let this last. "Oh Deus, por favor me conceda esta prece" We seemed to float right through the air, We seemed to float right through the air, Nós parecíamos flutuar no ar heavenly songs seem to come from everywhere. heavenly songs seem to come from everywhere. Canções celestiais pareciam vir de todo lugar And now when there's moonglow And now when there's moonglow E agora quando há brilho da lua, way up in the blue way up in the blue Alta no céu I always remember I always remember Eu sempre me lembro that moonglow gave me you. that moonglow gave me you. Que o brilho da lua me deu você