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MacArthur Park

MacArthur Park

Spring Spring Primavera Was never Was never Nunca foi Waiting for us Waiting for us Esperando por nós Still it rain Still it rain Ainda chover One step ahead One step ahead Um passo à frente As we followed As we followed Como seguimos In the dance In the dance Na dança Between Between Entre The parted pages The parted pages As páginas se separaram We were pressed We were pressed Fomos pressionados In loves In loves Nos amores Hot fevered iron Hot fevered iron Hot febril de ferro Like a striped pair Like a striped pair Como um par listrado Of paints Of paints De tintas MacArthur Park MacArthur Park MacArthur Park Is melting Is melting Está derretendo In the dark In the dark No escuro All the sweet All the sweet Todos os doces Green icing Green icing Cobertura verde Flowing down Flowing down Fluindo Someone left Someone left Alguém deixou The cake The cake O bolo Out in the rain Out in the rain Na chuva I don't think I don't think Eu não acho que That I can take it That I can take it Que eu possa levá-lo Cuz it took so long Cuz it took so long Porque demorou tanto tempo To bake it To bake it Para assar And I'll never have And I'll never have E eu nunca vou ter That recipe again That recipe again Essa receita novamente I recall I recall Lembro-me de The yellow The yellow O amarelo Cotton dress Cotton dress Vestido de algodão Foaming like a wave Foaming like a wave Espumando como uma onda On the ground On the ground No chão Beneath your knees Beneath your knees Sob os seus joelhos Birds Birds Aves Like tender babies Like tender babies Como bebês concurso In your hand In your hand Em sua mão And the old men And the old men E os velhos Playing Playing Jogar Chinese checkers Chinese checkers Damas chinesas 'Neath the trees 'Neath the trees 'Neath as árvores There'll be There'll be Haverá Another song for me Another song for me Outra canção para mim And I will sing it And I will sing it E vou cantá-la There'll be There'll be Haverá Another dream for me Another dream for me Outro sonho para mim Someone will bring it Someone will bring it Alguém vai trazê-la I will drink the wine I will drink the wine Eu vou beber o vinho While it's warm While it's warm Enquanto ele está quente And never let you And never let you E nunca deixá-lo Catch me Catch me Me pegar Looking at the sun Looking at the sun Olhando para o sol And after And after E depois The loves of my life The loves of my life Os amores da minha vida You'll still be You'll still be Você ainda vai ser The one The one O And I'll ask myself And I'll ask myself E eu pergunto-me Why, why Why, why Por que, por

Composição: Jimmy Webb

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