
Amazing Grace

Graça magnífica

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Graça magnífica, tão doce o som That saved a wreck like me That saved a wreck like me Que salvou um trapo como eu I once was lost but now I'm found I once was lost but now I'm found Uma vez eu estava perdida, mas agora fui encontrada Was blind but now I see Was blind but now I see Estava cega, mas agora eu vejo T'was grace that taught my heart to fear T'was grace that taught my heart to fear Foi a graça que ensinou o meu coração a temer And grace my fears relieved And grace my fears relieved E a graça alivou os meus medos How precious did that grace appear How precious did that grace appear Tão preciosamente apareceu aquela graça The hour I first believed The hour I first believed Acreditei no primeiro momento Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Graça magnífica, tão doce o som That saved a wreck like me That saved a wreck like me Que salvou um trapo como eu I once was lost but now I'm found I once was lost but now I'm found Uma vez eu estava perdida, mas agora fui encontrada Was blind but now I see Was blind but now I see Estava cega, mas agora eu vejo

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