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Hot Love Drama

Drama de amor quente

all of these voices all of these voices Todas essas vozes on my tv on my tv na minha TV they got nothing to say they got nothing to say eles não tem nada a dizer we are all are people we are all are people todos nós somos pessoas some of us free some of us free alguns de nós são livres some of us got it made some of us got it made alguns de nós tem feito isso whats the concection whats the concection Qual a conexão some of us sink some of us sink alguns de nós pia some of us fall in love some of us fall in love alguns de nós se apaixonam but when i need it but when i need it mas quando eu precisei dela you bring me things you bring me things você me trouxe coisas always knew that you where always knew that you where sempre soube que você hot love drama,it rips you apart hot love drama,it rips you apart drama de amor quente, ele rasga aparte coold down love,to hot from the start coold down love,to hot from the start frio no amor, quente desde o início hot love drama,it rips you apart hot love drama,it rips you apart drama de amor quente, ele rasga aparte coold down love,to hot from the start coold down love,to hot from the start frio no amor, quente desde o início to hot from the start. to hot from the start. quente desde o início. when I was younger when I was younger quando eu era mais novo life was all magic life was all magic a vida era toda magica everything fell in place everything fell in place tudo caiu no lugar but i still worrie but i still worrie mas eu ainda me preocupava worrie for hours worrie for hours preocupado por horas imagining the life we are in imagining the life we are in imaginando a vida que está em without asleep without asleep sem dormir but you came and you saw but you came and you saw mas você veio e me viu and you spoke and i call the most fears and you spoke and i call the most fears e você falou e eu chamo a maioria dos medos but not all but not all mas nem todos and you stop and ill fall and you stop and ill fall e você parar e cair doente and i love her and i dont and i love her and i dont e eu a amo e eu não and you think that im foolish and you think that im foolish e você pensa que sou tolo stop the kids stop the love stop the kids stop the love parar as crianças parar o amor that leads to that leads to aquele ha levou hot love drama,it rips you apart hot love drama,it rips you apart drama de amor quente, ele rasga aparte coold down love,to hot from the start coold down love,to hot from the start frio no amor, quente desde o início hot love drama,it rips you apart hot love drama,it rips you apart drama de amor quente, ele rasga aparte coold down love,to hot from the start coold down love,to hot from the start frio no amor, quente desde o início to hot from the start. to hot from the start. quente desde o início. to hot from the start. to hot from the start. quente desde o início. to hot from the start. to hot from the start. quente desde o início. hot love drama,it rips you apart hot love drama,it rips you apart drama de amor quente, ele rasga aparte coold down love,to hot from the start coold down love,to hot from the start frio no amor, quente desde o início hot love drama,it rips you apart hot love drama,it rips you apart drama de amor quente, ele rasga aparte coold down love,to hot from the start coold down love,to hot from the start frio no amor, quente desde o início to hot from the start. to hot from the start. quente desde o início. to hot from the start. to hot from the start. quente desde o início. ohhh ohhh ohhh

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