Original Espanhol

Ride The Lightning

Cavalga o Relâmpago

Guilty as charged Guilty as charged Culpado como manda a Lei But damn it, it ain't right But damn it, it ain't right Mas diabos, é injusto There is someone else controlling me There is someone else controlling me Há outra pessoa me controlando Death in the air Death in the air Morte no ar Strapped in the electric chair Strapped in the electric chair Amarrado à cadeira elétrica This can't be happening to me This can't be happening to me Isto não pode estar acontecendo a mim Who made you God to say Who made you God to say Quem te nomeou Deus para dizer "I'll take your life from you!" "I'll take your life from you!" "Eu tirarei sua vida de você" Flash before my eyes Flash before my eyes Brilho diante de meus olhos Now it's time to die Now it's time to die Agora é hora de morrer Burning in my brain Burning in my brain Queimando no meu cérebro I can feel the flames I can feel the flames Eu posso sentir as chamas Wait for the sign Wait for the sign Espero pelo sinal To flick the switch of death To flick the switch of death Para ligarem o interruptor da morte It's the beginning of the end It's the beginning of the end É o começo do fim Sweat, chilling cold Sweat, chilling cold Suor, frio arrepiante As I watch death unfold As I watch death unfold Enquanto observo a morte se descortinar Consciousness my only friend Consciousness my only friend A Consciência é minha única amiga My fingers grip with fear My fingers grip with fear Meus dedos apertam com medo What I am doing here? What I am doing here? O que estou eu a fazer aqui? Flash before my eyes Flash before my eyes Brilho diante de meus olhos Now it's time to die Now it's time to die Agora é hora de morrer Burning in my brain Burning in my brain Queimando no meu cérebro I can feel the flames I can feel the flames Eu posso sentir as chamas Someone help me Someone help me Alguém me ajude Oh please God help me Oh please God help me Por favor Deus ajuda-me They are trying to take it all away They are trying to take it all away Eles estão a querer me tirar tudo I don't want to die I don't want to die Eu não quero morrer Time moving slowly Time moving slowly O tempo passa devagar The minutes seem like hours The minutes seem like hours Os minutos parecem horas The final curtain call I see The final curtain call I see O último abrir de cortinas eu vejo How true is this? How true is this? Quão real é isso? Just get it over with Just get it over with Acabem lá com isto If this is true, just let it be If this is true, just let it be Se é verdade deixem ser Wakened by the horrid cream Wakened by the horrid cream Acordado pelo grito horrível Freed from the frightening dream Freed from the frightening dream Libertado do sonho aterrorizante Flash before my eyes Flash before my eyes Brilho diante de meus olhos Now it's time to die Now it's time to die Agora é hora de morrer Burning in my brain Burning in my brain Queimando no meu cérebro I can feel the flames I can feel the flames Eu posso sentir as chamas

Composição: Clifford Lee Burton, Dave Mustaine, James Alan Hetfield, Lars Ulrich

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