The war is over The war is over A guerra acabou The crypt we now taste The crypt we now taste A cripta, que agora gosto In the late 1900's, there is no human race In the late 1900's, there is no human race No final dos anos 1900, não há nenhuma raça humana We split the planet with atomic birth We split the planet with atomic birth Nós dividimos o planeta com o nascimento atômica Man has died Man has died O homem morreu We seal the urn. We seal the urn. Nós selaremos a urna. Negotiations are over Negotiations are over As negociações estão mais Troops are marching to their doom Troops are marching to their doom As tropas marcham em direção ao seu destino All that I see is a nightmare All that I see is a nightmare Tudo o que eu vejo é um pesadelo The smoke is blotting out the moon The smoke is blotting out the moon A fumaça esta apagando a lua No, God please stop this bloody slaughter No, God please stop this bloody slaughter Não, Deus queira parar esse massacre sangrent We are off the beaten track We are off the beaten track Estamos fora da trilha batida All the masses are rebelling All the masses are rebelling Todas as massas se rebelam To withstand the dark attack To withstand the dark attack Para suportar o ataque escuro Will we make it back beyond the black? Will we make it back beyond the black? Vamos fazê-lo de volta além do negro? Tanks are rolling in millions Tanks are rolling in millions Tanques estão rolando em milhões See them come, and now they're gone See them come, and now they're gone Vê-los, e agora ele está desaparecido All the mountains are blackened All the mountains are blackened Todas as montanhas são escurecidas They said it came from just one bomb They said it came from just one bomb Eles disseram que foi apenas por uma bomba No God please stop this bloody slaughter No God please stop this bloody slaughter Não Deus, por favor, pare esta matança sangrenta Let it all repeat -- attack Let it all repeat -- attack Deixe isso tudo, repito - ataque All the masses are rebelling All the masses are rebelling Todas as massas se rebelam To withstand the dark attack To withstand the dark attack Para suportar o ataque escuro Will we make it back beyond the black? Will we make it back beyond the black? Vamos fazê-lo de volta além do negro? Will we make it back beyond? Will we make it back beyond? Será que vamos conseguir voltar depois? Out of the crypt with faces marred Out of the crypt with faces marred Fora da cripta com o rosto desfigurado Seems the night has won Seems the night has won Parece que a noite ganhou We unite as one We unite as one Unimo-nos como um No more weapons, no more guns No more weapons, no more guns Não mais armas, mais armas Look out! Look out! Cuidado! Food supplies are worth more than gold Food supplies are worth more than gold O suprimento de alimentos valem mais que ouro Turn the young into old Turn the young into old Vire os jovens em idade With blinded eyes we count the cost With blinded eyes we count the cost Com os olhos cegados contamos com o custo Of everything that we lost Of everything that we lost De tudo o que perdemos Look out! Look out! Cuidado! [Screams] [Screams] [Gritos] Watch out! Watch out! Cuidado! Beyond the black!!! Beyond the black!!! Além do negro!