Down by the sea Down by the sea À beira do mar I found your hidden treasure I found your hidden treasure Encontrei seu tesouro escondido Just you and me, Just you and me, Apenas você e eu We overdosed on pleasure We overdosed on pleasure Foi uma overdose de prazer Yonnies in the wind, Yonnies in the wind, Pedrinhas ao vento We're ruggin' up for winter We're ruggin' up for winter Nos agasalhamos para o inverno Putting out the bins Putting out the bins Distribuindo as latas In cold and windy weather In cold and windy weather Quando está frio e ventoso Down by the docks Down by the docks Próximo às docas Live all the silent sea-ships Live all the silent sea-ships Vivem todos os barcos silenciosos Crates are stored on blocks Crates are stored on blocks Caixotes ficam em blocos Where now only the rats live Where now only the rats live Onde agora apenas os ratos vivem Sail me down the river Sail me down the river Me leve de barco pelo rio Till we reach the shore Till we reach the shore Até alcançarmos a praia Diving into the center Diving into the center Mergulhando no centro Eating out the core Eating out the core Devorando o núcleo Down on the beach Down on the beach Na praia Saluting Captain Benbow Saluting Captain Benbow Saudando Capitão Benbow Always out of reach Always out of reach Sempre fora de alcance It's quiet when the tide's low It's quiet when the tide's low Calmo quando a maré está baixa Climbing up the cliffs Climbing up the cliffs Escalando rochedos You can see for miles far You can see for miles far Dá para enxergar milhas adiante The boat that ran adrift The boat that ran adrift O barco que encalhou Is sitting on the sandbar Is sitting on the sandbar Ainda no banco de areia Laughing at the waves Laughing at the waves Rindo das ondas That storm the river mouth That storm the river mouth Que atacam a foz do rio The ice is on the move now The ice is on the move now O gelo em movimento Creeping north and south Creeping north and south Creeping norte e sul Down by the sea Down by the sea À beira do mar I found your hidden treasure I found your hidden treasure Encontrei seu tesouro escondido Just you and me Just you and me Apenas você e eu We over-dosed on pleasure We over-dosed on pleasure Foi uma overdose de prazer Listen to your heart Listen to your heart Ouça seu coração Screamin' at the sky Screamin' at the sky Gritando para o céu Can't you feel it tremble? Can't you feel it tremble? Consegue senti-lo tremer? Don't you wonder why? Don't you wonder why? Não imagina o porquê?