
Freezing Moon

lua congelante

Everything here is so cold Everything here is so cold Tudo aqui é tão frio Everything here is so dark Everything here is so dark Tudo aqui é tão escuro I remember it as from a dream I remember it as from a dream Eu me lembro como se fosse um sonho In the corner of this time In the corner of this time Na esquina desse tempo Diabolic Shapes float by Diabolic Shapes float by Formas diabólicas flutuam Out from the dark Out from the dark Saindo da escuridão I remember it was here I died I remember it was here I died Eu me lembro que foi aqui que eu morri By following the freezing moon By following the freezing moon Por seguir a lua congelante It's night again, night you beautiful It's night again, night you beautiful É noite novamente, noite bonita I please my hunger on living humans I please my hunger on living humans Eu satisfaço minha fome, em server humanos Night of hunger, follow it's call Night of hunger, follow it's call Noite de fome siga o chamado Follow the freezing moon Follow the freezing moon seguir a lua congelante Darkness is growing, the eternity opens Darkness is growing, the eternity opens Escuridão está crescendo The cemetary lights up again The cemetary lights up again As luzes do cemitério estam acesas novamente As in ancient times As in ancient times Como nos tempos antigos Fallen souls, die behind my steps Fallen souls, die behind my steps Almas caídas morrem por trás dos meus passos by following the freezing moon by following the freezing moon Por seguir a lua congelante

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