There's barkin' at the kitchen
Yellin' in the hall
Ringin' at the door bell
Poundin' on the wall
Kids out a sight
And kids in the way
No time to cook on this hectic day
Come on,come on,come on
Get a bucket of chicken
Finger lickin' good
Have a barrel of fun
Goodbye ho-hum
Say hello to your family
Come on everyone
At kuntukey fried chicken
Have a barrel of fun
When ever you're driving
And where ever you're bound
Like a good neighbor
State farm is there
State farm is there
State farm is there
Give your face somethin' to smile about
Give your face somethin' to smile about
With stridex
Doot, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo,doo, doo
With stridex