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The Greatest Fall Of All Time

A maior queda de todos os tempos

The hand of my clock strikes two The hand of my clock strikes two O ponteiro do meu relógio marca duas In times when I got the best of you In times when I got the best of you Em momentos quando eu tiro o melhor de você We made promises we couldn't keep We made promises we couldn't keep Nós fizemos promessas que não podíamos cumprir And every night we couldn't sleep. And every night we couldn't sleep. E toda noite nós não conseguíamos dormir I didn't know why, but didn't ask questions I didn't know why, but didn't ask questions Eu não sabia por quê, mas não fiz perguntas because it was the first time in my life, yeah the first time in my life because it was the first time in my life, yeah the first time in my life Porque foi a primeira vez na minha vida, sim, a primeira vez na minha vida Where I, did something right. Where I, did something right. Onde eu fiz algo certo I set myself up for the greatest fall of all time I set myself up for the greatest fall of all time Eu me preparo para a maior queda de todos os tempos You pick me apart You pick me apart Você me critica While I search for witty things to say (In my defense) While I search for witty things to say (In my defense) Enquanto eu procuro por coisas inteligentes para dizer (em minha defesa) "You'll never amount to anything anyway" "You'll never amount to anything anyway" "Você nunca terá importância para nada de qualquer jeito" (Don't press your luck, don't press your luck) (Don't press your luck, don't press your luck) (Não pressione sua sorte, não pressione sua sorte) And think that I'm impressed with your one night stands And think that I'm impressed with your one night stands E acho que estou impressionado com seus encontros sexuais de uma noite and your contagious kiss and your contagious kiss E seu beijo contagiante I'm trying to get this right I'm trying to get this right Eu estou tentando entender isso direito Yeah, cause I'm ridiculous like that Yeah, cause I'm ridiculous like that Sim, porque eu sou ridículo assim I'll keep this as I'll keep this as Eu guardarei isso A constant reminder A constant reminder Como uma lembrança constante Of the nights I spent holding onto her Of the nights I spent holding onto her Das noites que eu passei me agarrando a ela And rest assured I'm moving on And rest assured I'm moving on E fique tranquila, eu estou seguindo em frente I miss you less, with each day your gone (your gone) I miss you less, with each day your gone (your gone) Eu sinto menos a sua falta, a cada dia que você se foi (você se foi)

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