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Playing For Keeps

Jogando pelos prêmios

It's so simple It's so simple É tão simples And complicated. And complicated. e complicado The way you can crush me. The way you can crush me. O jeito que você pode me destruir No matter how much this hurts, No matter how much this hurts, Não importa o quanto machuque This is through. This is through. Isso passou I get as far as your door I get as far as your door Eu fujo para o mais longe possível de sua porta, Before i get caught. Before i get caught. Antes de não ser pego I make up excuses I make up excuses Eu invento desculpas Just to touch you and I can't stop Just to touch you and I can't stop Só para tocar em você I can't stop. I can't stop. Eu não consigo parar (Chorus) (Chorus) (Refrão) So are we playing for keeps? So are we playing for keeps? Então nós estamos jogando pelos prêmios? The days begin and they don't end for weeks. The days begin and they don't end for weeks. Esses dias começam, e não acabam por semanas Leave me left out Leave me left out Me deixe de fora Of anything to do with you. Of anything to do with you. de tudo que envolva você Excuse me while I fall apart. Excuse me while I fall apart. Me desculpe enquanto eu me despedaço Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. Não se lisonjeie, querida Let me take the wheel Let me take the wheel Deixe-me pegar o volante And I'll crash this car. And I'll crash this car. e bater esse carro Do you have to make this so hard? Do you have to make this so hard? Você tem que fazer isso tão dificíl? You're so good at pretending everything is alright. You're so good at pretending everything is alright. Você é tão boa(Tão boa) em fingir que tudo está certo(certo) You're as welcome as cancer You're as welcome as cancer Você é tão bem vinda que nem um câncer But my door is always unlocked. But my door is always unlocked. Mas minha porta está sempre destrancada Chorus Chorus (Refrão)

Composição: Andrew Jordan/Matchbook Romance

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