Earth has burst Earth has burst Terra estoura Mountain flames Mountain flames Montanha em chamas Moon beheld Moon beheld Contempla a lua Father snake Father snake Cobra pai Mind control Mind control Controle mental Has left its nest Has left its nest Deixou seu ninho Shame on Shame on Envergonhado Bulls roar loud Bulls roar loud Touros rugem alto The fearless fall The fearless fall O destemido cai Wooden vessel Wooden vessel Embarcação de madeira Broken wings Broken wings Asas partidas Caught my killer Caught my killer Peguei meu assassino In my grave In my grave No meu túmulo Shame on Shame on Envergonhado Eyes of grace Eyes of grace Olhos em graça Kill again Kill again Matam de novo Trapped in maze Trapped in maze Perdidos na incerteza Trembling fear Trembling fear Vacilante medo Head scorched brow Head scorched brow Cabeça chamuscada na fronte Perish the land Perish the land Morrer na terra Shame on Shame on Envergonhado A vast calm wilderness A vast calm wilderness Um calmo e vasto deserto The call to adventure comes The call to adventure comes O chamado à aventura chega Lead and land atop this rock Lead and land atop this rock Chumbo e terra acima dessa rocha Infinite path carved with unrivaled skill Infinite path carved with unrivaled skill Caminho infinito feito com inigualável habilidade