I think that someone is trying to kill me I think that someone is trying to kill me Eu acho que alguém está tentando me matar Infecting my blood and destroying my mind Infecting my blood and destroying my mind Infectando meu sangue, destruindo minha mente No man of the flesh could ever stop me No man of the flesh could ever stop me Nenhum homem de "carne" poderá me parar The fight for this fish is a fight to the death The fight for this fish is a fight to the death A luta por esse peixe é a luta pela sobrevivência White whale - holy grail White whale - holy grail Baleia branca - Santo Graal What remorseless emperor commands me What remorseless emperor commands me O Imperador comanda-me sem piedade I no longer govern my soul I no longer govern my soul Eu já não governo mais minha alma I am completely immersed in darkness I am completely immersed in darkness Estou profundamente imerso na escuridão As I turn my body away from the sun As I turn my body away from the sun Quando eu viro meu corpo para longe do sol White whale - holy grail White whale - holy grail Baleia branca - Santo Graal Split your lungs with blood and thunder Split your lungs with blood and thunder Divida seu pulmão entre sangue e trovões When you see the white whale When you see the white whale Quando você ver a baleia branca Break your backs and crack your oars men Break your backs and crack your oars men Quebrem seus dorsos e partam seus remos homens! If you wish to prevail If you wish to prevail Se você quer prevalecer This ivory leg is what propels me This ivory leg is what propels me Essa perna de marfim impulsiona-me Harpoons thrust in the sky Harpoons thrust in the sky Arpões impulsionados par ao céu Aim directly for his crooked brow Aim directly for his crooked brow Apontem direto em seu rosto torto And look him straight in the eye And look him straight in the eye E olhe-o diretamente no olho White whale - holy grail White whale - holy grail Baleia branca - Santo Graal