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I went in to twelve bookstores looking for ulysses I went in to twelve bookstores looking for ulysses Entrei em doze livrarias à procura de Ulysses Motherwell led me to believe all my questions would be answered Motherwell led me to believe all my questions would be answered Motherwell levou-me a acreditar que todas as minhas perguntas seriam respondidas Now i have it here sitting on the table Now i have it here sitting on the table Agora eu tenho aqui sentado na mesa Another word for the universe Another word for the universe Outra palavra para o universo Loose green tea and a bonsai tree, an underground apartment Loose green tea and a bonsai tree, an underground apartment Chá verde solto e uma árvore bonsai, um apartamento subterrâneo Check my e-mail and wash my clothes while my rice is cooking Check my e-mail and wash my clothes while my rice is cooking Verifico meu e-mail e lavo minhas roupas enquanto meu arroz está cozinhando Oh jesus christ, how i hate making phonecalls Oh jesus christ, how i hate making phonecalls Oh jesus cristo, como eu odeio fazer telefonemas So i lead a lonely life So i lead a lonely life Então eu mereço uma vida solitária A waterfall from a higher place told me all about you A waterfall from a higher place told me all about you Uma cachoeira de um lugar mais alto me contou tudo sobre você The funeral of the man i was told me not to doubt you The funeral of the man i was told me not to doubt you O funeral do homem me disse para não duvidar de você Oh what we could do with your dress up round your shoulders Oh what we could do with your dress up round your shoulders Oh, o que podemos fazer com a sua vestimenta em volta dos seus ombros We could leave all our fear behind We could leave all our fear behind Podemos deixar todo o nosso medo para trás I went in to the liquor store looking for a bottle I went in to the liquor store looking for a bottle Entrei na loja de bebidas procurando uma garrafa Of my favorite bombay gin, the answer to my problems Of my favorite bombay gin, the answer to my problems Do meu gim bombay favorito, a resposta para os meus problemas But to my delight the bottles were all taken But to my delight the bottles were all taken Mas para o meu deleite as garrafas foram todas tomadas Ah yeah, another hero's night Ah yeah, another hero's night Ah, sim, a noite de outro herói

Composição: Mason Jennings

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