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Master's Call

O Chamado do Mestre

When I was but a young man, I was wild and full of fire When I was but a young man, I was wild and full of fire Quando eu era só um jovem, eu era sagaz e cheio de fogo A youth within my teens, but full of challenge and desire A youth within my teens, but full of challenge and desire Um jovem na minha adolescência, mas cheio de desafios e desejo I ran away from home and left my mother and my dad I ran away from home and left my mother and my dad Eu fugi de casa e deixei minha mãe e meu pai I know it grieved them so to think their only boy went bad I know it grieved them so to think their only boy went bad Eu sei que isso os deixou entristecidos ao pensar que seu unico garoto se tornou mal I fell in with an outlaw band, their names were known quitewell I fell in with an outlaw band, their names were known quitewell Eu comecei com um bando de foras-da-lei, seus nomes eram bem conhecidos How many times we robbed and plundered, I could never tell How many times we robbed and plundered, I could never tell Quantas vezes nós roubamos e saqueamos, eu nunca poderia dizer This kind of sinful living, leads only to a fall This kind of sinful living, leads only to a fall Esse tipo de existência pecadora, conduziu apenas para uma queda I learned that much and more the night I heard my Master's call I learned that much and more the night I heard my Master's call Eu aprendi tudo aquilo e mais na noite que eu ouvi o chamado de meu Mestre One night we rustled cattle, a thousand head or so One night we rustled cattle, a thousand head or so Uma noite nós roubamos gado, mil cabeça mais ou menos And started then out on the trail that leads to Mexico And started then out on the trail that leads to Mexico E então começamos a ir embora pela trilha que leva ao México When a norther started blowing and lightning flashed about When a norther started blowing and lightning flashed about Quando um vento começou a soprar e relâmpagos brilharam acima I thought someone was calling me, I thought I heard a shout I thought someone was calling me, I thought I heard a shout Eu pensei que alguém estava me chamando, eu achei que eu ouvi um grito Then at that moment lightning struck not twenty yards from me Then at that moment lightning struck not twenty yards from me Então naquele momento um relâmpago caiu nem a 20 jardas de mim And left there was a giant cross where once there was a tree And left there was a giant cross where once there was a tree E restou ali uma cruz gigante onde já houve uma árvore This time I knew I heard a voice, a voice so sweet and strange This time I knew I heard a voice, a voice so sweet and strange Nesse momento eu soube que eu ouvi uma voz, uma voz tão doce e estranha A voice that came from everywhere, a voice that called my name A voice that came from everywhere, a voice that called my name Uma voz que veio de lugar nenhum, uma voz que chamou meu nome So frightened I was thinking of sinful deeds I'd done So frightened I was thinking of sinful deeds I'd done Tão assustado eu estava pensando nos atos pecadores que eu havia feito I failed to see the thousand head of cattle start to run I failed to see the thousand head of cattle start to run Eu falhei em ver as mil cabeças de gado começarem a correr The cattle they stampeded, were running all around The cattle they stampeded, were running all around Os gados eles debandaram, estavam correndo por todos os lados My pony ran but stumbled and it threw me to the ground My pony ran but stumbled and it threw me to the ground Meu pônei correu mas tropeçou e isso me jogou ao chão I felt the end was near, that death would be the price I felt the end was near, that death would be the price Eu senti que o fim estava perto, que a morte seria o preço When another bolt of lightning showed the face of Jesus Christ When another bolt of lightning showed the face of Jesus Christ Quando outro raio de relâmpago me mostrou a face de Jesus Cristo And I cried oh Lord forgive me, don't let it happen now And I cried oh Lord forgive me, don't let it happen now E eu chorei ó Senhor me perdoe, não deixe acontecer agora I want to live for you alone, Oh God these words I vow I want to live for you alone, Oh God these words I vow Eu quero viver apenas para você, ó Deus estas palavras eu juro My wicked past unfolded and I thought of wasted years My wicked past unfolded and I thought of wasted years Meu passado perverso desdobrou e eu pensei nos anos perdidos When another bolt of lightning killed a hundred head of steers When another bolt of lightning killed a hundred head of steers Quando outro raio de relâmpago matou cem cabeças de boi And the others rushed on by me and I was left to live And the others rushed on by me and I was left to live E os outros avançaram em mim e eu fui deixado para viver The Master had a reason, life is his to take or give The Master had a reason, life is his to take or give O Mestre tinha uma razão, vida é dele para tirar ou dar A miracle performed that night, I wasn't meant to die A miracle performed that night, I wasn't meant to die Um milagre realizado aquela noite, eu não estava destinado a morrer The dead ones formed a barricade nearly six or seven high The dead ones formed a barricade nearly six or seven high Os mortos formaram uma barricada quase seis ou sete de altura And right behind it there was I, afraid but safe and sound And right behind it there was I, afraid but safe and sound E logo atras estava eu, com medo mas são e salvo I cried in vain for mercy kneeling there upon the ground I cried in vain for mercy kneeling there upon the ground Eu chorei em vão por misericórdia lá sobre o chão A pardon I was granted, my sinful soul set free A pardon I was granted, my sinful soul set free Um perdão foi me concedido, minha alma pecadora libertada No more to fear the angry waves upon life's stormy seas No more to fear the angry waves upon life's stormy seas Sem mais ter medo das ondas irritadas sobre o mar tempestuoso da vida Forgiven by the love of God, a love that will remain Forgiven by the love of God, a love that will remain Perdoado pelo amor de Deus, um amor que permanecerá I learned that much and more the night the Saviour called my name I learned that much and more the night the Saviour called my name Eu aprendi tudo isso e mais na noite em que o Salvador chamou meu nome

Composição: Marty Robbins

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