Well I gave up cocaine and I gave up smack Well I gave up cocaine and I gave up smack Bem, eu desisti de cocaína e eu desisti de bater I gave up drinking alcohol and smoking crack I gave up drinking alcohol and smoking crack Eu desisti de beber álcool e fumar crack I gave up living on the never never I gave up living on the never never Eu desisti de viver na nunca nunca But I can't give up believing that I'm going to live forever But I can't give up believing that I'm going to live forever Mas eu não posso desistir de acreditar que eu vou viver para sempre Well I gave up computer games I gave up meat Well I gave up computer games I gave up meat Bem, eu desisti de jogos de computador eu desisti de carne I gave up watching TV in my favourite seat I gave up watching TV in my favourite seat Eu desisti de assistir TV no I gave up wearing fur and I gave up wearing leather I gave up wearing fur and I gave up wearing leather Eu desisti de usar peles e eu desisti de couro vestindo But I can't give up believing that I'm going to live forever But I can't give up believing that I'm going to live forever Mas eu não posso desistir de acreditar que eu vou viver para sempre Give it up, give it up Give it up, give it up Desista, desista Don't you know you've got to lose? Don't you know you've got to lose? Você não sabe que você tem a perder? The desires you were born with The desires you were born with Os desejos que você nasceu com And your talent to abuse And your talent to abuse E seu talento para o abuso Give it up, give it up Give it up, give it up Desista, desista There's a better life to live There's a better life to live Há uma vida melhor para viver Give it up, give it up Give it up, give it up Desista, desista Give it all you've got to give Give it all you've got to give Dar-lhe tudo que você tem para dar Well I gave up sugar and I gave up spice Well I gave up sugar and I gave up spice Bem, eu desisti de açúcar e eu desisti spice I gave up everything that feels all right I gave up everything that feels all right Eu desisti de tudo que se sente bem Cause I feel that these addictions Cause I feel that these addictions Porque eu sinto que esses vícios Are a chain you have to sever Are a chain you have to sever São uma cadeia que você tem que cortar I'm addicted to believing I'm addicted to believing Eu sou viciado em acreditar That I'm going to live forever That I'm going to live forever Que eu vou viver para sempre