Demon's blood and dragon fire, falling on my wings Demon's blood and dragon fire, falling on my wings Sangue do demônio e fogo do dragão, caindo em minhas asas Racing to the battle in the sky Racing to the battle in the sky Correndo para a batalha no céu Ancient gods are calling me I hear them when they sing Ancient gods are calling me I hear them when they sing Antigos deuses estão me chamando, eu os ouço quando eles cantam Of all the heores who wait for me to die Of all the heores who wait for me to die De todos os heróis que esperam por mim para morrer Beneath the cloak of magic, I'll meet them in the air Beneath the cloak of magic, I'll meet them in the air Sob o manto da magia, eu os encrontrarei no ar I am invisible, I move without a sound I am invisible, I move without a sound Sou invisível, me movo sem um barulho They look but cannot find me, they think that I'm not there They look but cannot find me, they think that I'm not there Eles procuram mas não encontram-me, eles pensam que não estou lá With a spell I send them crashing to the ground With a spell I send them crashing to the ground Com um encanto eu os arrebento no chão Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn Espere por mim dragão, nos encontraremos no céu pelo fogo e magia estou jurando Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm Inferno está chamando! Não podemos negar voar até a escuridão da tempestade We must die to be reborn We must die to be reborn Devemos morrer para renascer I wear a sacred talisman, I make a secret sign I wear a sacred talisman, I make a secret sign Eu visto um sagrado talismã, faço um sinal secreto Now welcome me into this wicked wind Now welcome me into this wicked wind Agora me receba neste perverso temporal On the journey of a shaman a dragon I must ride On the journey of a shaman a dragon I must ride Na jornada de um Shaman um dragão eu devo montar The gates of hell are open! Let me in! The gates of hell are open! Let me in! Os portões do inferno estão abertos! Deixe-me entrar! Rule in hell or serve in heaven choose an altar or throne Rule in hell or serve in heaven choose an altar or throne Domine no inferno ou sirva no paraíso escolha um altar ou trono All Commandments and the laws of man disown All Commandments and the laws of man disown Todos comandantes e leis do homem recusados Now eat the fruit of knowledge unto no one ye atone Now eat the fruit of knowledge unto no one ye atone Agora coma a fruta do conhecimento para não precisar de ninguém Into the fire with your soul! Into the fire with your soul! Entre no fogo com tua alma! Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn Espere por mim dragão, nos encontraremos no céu pelo fogo e magia estou jurando Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm Inferno está chamando! Não podemos negar voar até a escuridão da tempestade We must die to be reborn We must die to be reborn Devemos morrer para renascer Demon's blood and dragon fire, falling on my wings Demon's blood and dragon fire, falling on my wings Sangue do demônio e fogo do dragão, caindo em ninhas asas Racing to the battle in the sky Racing to the battle in the sky Correndo para a batalha no céu Ancient gods are calling me I hear them when they sing Ancient gods are calling me I hear them when they sing Antigos deuses estão me chamando, eu os ouço quando eles cantam Of all the heores who wait for me to die Of all the heores who wait for me to die De todos os heróis que esperam por mim para morrer Beneath the cloak of magic, I'll meet them in the air Beneath the cloak of magic, I'll meet them in the air Sob o manto da magia, eu os encrontrarei no ar I am invisible, I move without a sound I am invisible, I move without a sound Sou invisível, me movo sem um barulho They look but cannot find me, they think that I'm not there They look but cannot find me, they think that I'm not there Eles procuram mas não encontram-me, eles pensam que não estou lá With a spell I send them crashing to the ground With a spell I send them crashing to the ground Com um encanto eu os arrebento no chão Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn Wait for me dragon, we'll meet in the sky by fire and magic I am sworn Espere por mim dragão, nos encontraremos no céu pelo fogo e magia estou jurando Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm Hell is calling! We cannot be denied fly to the blackness of the storm Inferno está chamando! Não podemos negar voar até a escuridão da tempestade We must die to be reborn We must die to be reborn Devemos morrer para renascer