
Cesspool Called History

Cesspool Called History

i am an island in the cesspool called history i am an island in the cesspool called history Eu sou uma ilha no esgoto chamado história i inhabit the crippled remains of a place that once was i inhabit the crippled remains of a place that once was i habitam o aleijado restos mortais de um lugar que era uma vez suffocating in a solitude so fulfilling suffocating in a solitude so fulfilling sufocante em uma solidão assim cumprindo that the nearest rendez-vous becomes a crucifixion that the nearest rendez-vous becomes a crucifixion que o próximo rendez-vous torna-se uma crucificação my solitude is more chaotic than were my solitude is more chaotic than were minha solidão é mais caótico do que eram a stoic remains undaunted among the ruins of a world a stoic remains undaunted among the ruins of a world um estóico continua impávido entre as ruínas de um mundo shattered into atoms shattered into atoms quebrados em átomos some of us are born weary of being born some of us are born weary of being born alguns de nós nascemos cansados de ter nascido were given the gift of life to live obsessed with death were given the gift of life to live obsessed with death foi dado o dom da vida a viver obcecado com a morte we bury on our souls the corpses we have not yet murdered we bury on our souls the corpses we have not yet murdered Podemos enterrar em nossas almas dos cadáveres que ainda não foram assassinados like an angel drafted onto the back of a leper like an angel drafted onto the back of a leper como um anjo redigida na parte de trás de um leproso a criminal saint a criminal saint um santo penal the hero of yesterday becomes the tyrant of tomorrow the hero of yesterday becomes the tyrant of tomorrow o herói de ontem se torna o tirano de amanhã unless he crucifies himself today unless he crucifies himself today a menos que ele crucifica-se hoje the restlessness of sleepless nights digs trenches the restlessness of sleepless nights digs trenches a inquietude das noites insones cava trincheiras where the corpses of memory lay rotting where the corpses of memory lay rotting onde os cadáveres de memória apodreciam a creator of lucidity whispers a creator of lucidity whispers um criador de sussurros lucidez time, time that slaughterhouse of the universe time, time that slaughterhouse of the universe tempo, tempo que o matadouro do universo is it not in the nature of a man who cannot kill himself is it not in the nature of a man who cannot kill himself não é a natureza de um homem que não pode se matar to seek revenge against whatever enjoys existing to seek revenge against whatever enjoys existing a buscar vingança contra qualquer desfruta existentes

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