in my name cast out demons,
speak with new tongues, heal the sick and no evil can happen to them,
I am with you every day
until the end of time! (Mark 16:15-18)
God told Abraham to leave the land of the Chaldeans,
Helped David fight the Philistines
God told Israel through the land of Egypt
Opening the sea
Moses did everything so beautiful!
What God sent Elijah to speak,
Elias spoke yes
But God sent Elijah to do,
Elias was so
These men are gone,
God made them all
Now, dear brother awakens
It is now our turn
What I want is to be a vase
Who wants to stand by my side,
Visitors can also draw near
This tree bears much fruit
What I want is to be perfect pot
In the potter's hand, is pure fire
God told Peter to leave the network pra following suit,
God let Paul down, only to then raise the
With power and authority, can happen to you
Now, dear brother awakens
Now is our time!