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Beyond The Hourglass

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Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars Em breve o estágio acionará as estrelas cadentes Used in pictures in this page of our beating hearts Used in pictures in this page of our beating hearts Usadas em fotos dessa pagina dos nossos corações pulsantes I've made peace with God and burned the sage I've made peace with God and burned the sage Eu fiz paz com Deus e queimei o padre And drank from poison lake And drank from poison lake Bebi de rios de veneno Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars Em breve o estágio acionará as estrelas cadentes Save us from all the evil that we do Save us from all the evil that we do Nos salve de todo o mal que fazemos Tonight we're ghosts Tonight we're ghosts Hoje a noite somos fantasmas I've fallen down but never give up I've fallen down but never give up Estamos caindo mas nunca desistimos Create what was left behind, it was you Create what was left behind, it was you Criando o que foi deixando para trás, e era você Beyond the hourglass, and a hundred years have Beyond the hourglass, and a hundred years have Do outro lado da ampulheta, mil anos se passaram passed, buried in stone passed, buried in stone enterrados na pedra My heart still beats outside this My heart still beats outside this Meu coração ainda bate fora de mim Please put the final nail into this coffin Please put the final nail into this coffin Por favor coloque o ultimo prego nesse caixão Ten-century has closed Ten-century has closed Dez seculos se fecharam Remember me as you are reborn Remember me as you are reborn Se lembre de mim quando renascer Save us from all the evil that we do Save us from all the evil that we do Nos salve de todo o mal que fazemos Tonight we're ghosts Tonight we're ghosts Hoje a noite somos fantasmas I've fallen down but never give up I've fallen down but never give up Estamos caindo mas nunca desistimos Create what was left behind, it was you Create what was left behind, it was you Criando o que foi deixando para trás, e era você Can you remember? Can you remember? Consegue se lembrar? Lie close to me, my breathing won't last long Lie close to me, my breathing won't last long Fique perto de mim, minha respiração não vai durar muito tempo My hands of bone will feel your touch, tonight we sit My hands of bone will feel your touch, tonight we sit Minhas mãos de osso vão sentir seu toque, hoje a noite sentamos and remember and remember e relembramos Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars Em breve o estágio acionará as estrelas cadentes Used in pictures in this page of our beating hearts Used in pictures in this page of our beating hearts Usadas em fotos dessa pagina dos nossos corações pulsantes Save us from all the evil that we do Save us from all the evil that we do Nos salve de todo o mal que fazemos Tonight we're ghosts Tonight we're ghosts Hoje a noite somos fantasmas I've fallen down but never give up I've fallen down but never give up Estamos caindo mas nunca desistimos Create what was left behind, it was you Create what was left behind, it was you Criando o que foi deixando para trás, e era você Dies irae, dies illa Dies irae, dies illa (Um dia de punição, aquele dia Lacrymosa qua resurget ex favilla Lacrymosa qua resurget ex favilla De lamentos vai se levantar novamente das profundezas Quantus tremor est futurus Quantus tremor est futurus Tremendo ali vai estar Iudicantus, homo reus ergo parce Iudicantus, homo reus ergo parce O homem culpado para ser julgado Poupe-o) (A day of wrath, that day (A day of wrath, that day (Um dia de punição, aquele dia Weeping shall rise again from the embers Weeping shall rise again from the embers De lamentos vai se levantar novamente das profundezas What trembling will there be What trembling will there be Tremendo ali vai estar The guilty man to be judged, spare him) The guilty man to be judged, spare him) O homem culpado para ser julgado Poupe-o)

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