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The Valley Of The Moon

O vale da lua

Paper bags and plastic hearts Paper bags and plastic hearts Sacos de papel e corações de plástico All our belongings in shopping carts All our belongings in shopping carts Todos os nossos pertences em carrinhos de compras It's goodbye It's goodbye É adeus But we got one more night But we got one more night Mas nós temos mais uma noite Let's get drunk and ride around Let's get drunk and ride around Vamos ficar bêbados e andar por aí And make peace with an empty town And make peace with an empty town E faça as pazes com uma cidade vazia We can make it right We can make it right Nós podemos fazer isso direito Throw it away Throw it away Jogue fora Forget yesterday Forget yesterday Esqueça ontem 'We'll make the great escape 'We'll make the great escape 'Nós vamos fazer a grande fuga We won't hear a word they say We won't hear a word they say Não vamos ouvir uma palavra que eles dizem They don't know us anyway They don't know us anyway Eles não nos conhecem de qualquer maneira Watch it burn Watch it burn Assista queimar Let it die Let it die Deixe-o morrer Cause we are finally free tonight Cause we are finally free tonight Porque finalmente estamos livres esta noite Tonight will change our lives Tonight will change our lives Esta noite mudará nossas vidas It's so good to be by your side It's so good to be by your side É tão bom estar ao seu lado But we'll cry But we'll cry Mas vamos chorar We won't give up the fight We won't give up the fight Não vamos desistir da luta We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs Nós vamos gritar alto no topo de nossos pulmões And they'll think it's just 'cause we're young And they'll think it's just 'cause we're young E eles pensam que é só porque somos jovens And we'll feel so alive And we'll feel so alive E nos sentiremos tão vivos Throw it away Throw it away Jogue fora Forget yesterday Forget yesterday Esqueça ontem We'll make the great escape We'll make the great escape Faremos a grande fuga We won't hear a word they say We won't hear a word they say Não vamos ouvir uma palavra que eles dizem They don't know us anyway They don't know us anyway Eles não nos conhecem de qualquer maneira Watch it burn Watch it burn Assista queimar Let it die Let it die Deixe-o morrer 'Cause we are finally free tonight 'Cause we are finally free tonight Porque finalmente estamos livres esta noite All of the wasted time All of the wasted time Todo o tempo perdido The hours that were left behind The hours that were left behind As horas que foram deixadas para trás The answers that we'll never find The answers that we'll never find As respostas que nunca encontraremos They don't mean a thing tonight They don't mean a thing tonight Eles não significam nada hoje à noite Throw it away Throw it away Jogue fora Forget yesterday Forget yesterday Esqueça ontem We'll make the great escape We'll make the great escape Faremos a grande fuga We won't hear a word they say We won't hear a word they say Não vamos ouvir uma palavra que eles dizem They don't know us anyway They don't know us anyway Eles não nos conhecem de qualquer maneira Throw it away Throw it away Jogue fora Forget yesterday Forget yesterday Esqueça ontem We'll make the great escape We'll make the great escape Faremos a grande fuga We won't hear a word they say We won't hear a word they say Não vamos ouvir uma palavra que eles dizem They don't know us anyway They don't know us anyway Eles não nos conhecem de qualquer maneira Throw it away Throw it away Jogue fora Forget yesterday Forget yesterday Esqueça ontem We'll make the great escape We'll make the great escape Faremos a grande fuga We won't hear a word they say We won't hear a word they say Não vamos ouvir uma palavra que eles dizem They won't know us anyway They won't know us anyway Eles não vão nos conhecer de qualquer maneira Watch it burn Watch it burn Assista queimar Let it die Let it die Deixe-o morrer 'Cause we are finally free tonight 'Cause we are finally free tonight Porque finalmente estamos livres esta noite

Composição: Lisa Gerrard

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