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I wanted you for life I wanted you for life eu quero voce para minha vida You and me in the wind You and me in the wind voce e eu no vento I never thought there'd come a time I never thought there'd come a time eu nunca pensei que havia chegado a hora That our story would end That our story would end que nossa historia fosse acabar It's hard to understand It's hard to understand é duro entender But I guess I'll have to try But I guess I'll have to try mas eu acho que vou tentar It's not easy It's not easy não é facil To say goodbye... To say goodbye... dizer adeus For all the joy we shared For all the joy we shared por todas as alegrias que dividimos All that time we had to spend All that time we had to spend todo o tempo que gastamos Now if I had one wish Now if I had one wish agora se eu tivesse um desejo I'd want forever back again I'd want forever back again eu queria voltar para sempre ourtra vez To look into your eyes To look into your eyes para olhar nos seus olhos And hold you when you cry And hold you when you cry e abraçar voce quando voce chorar It's not easy It's not easy não é facil To say goodbye... To say goodbye... dizer adeus I can remember all those great times we had I can remember all those great times we had eu posso lembrar todos os grandes momentos que tivemos There were so many memories. Some good, some bad There were so many memories. Some good, some bad foram tantas as memorias Yes and through it all Yes and through it all sim e embora sejam todas These memories will last These memories will last essas memorias sejam as ultimas Forever... Forever... para sempre........... There' peace in where you are There' peace in where you are há paz onde voce está Maybe all I need to know Maybe all I need to know talves tudo que eu precise saber And if I listen to my heart And if I listen to my heart e se eu ouvir meu coração I'll hear your laughter once more I'll hear your laughter once more eu ouvirei voce rir mais uma vez And so I got to say And so I got to say e então eu tenho que dizer I'm just glad you came my way I'm just glad you came my way eu estou apenas contente por voce ter vindo no meu caminho It's not easy to say It's not easy to say não é dificil dizer Goodbye..... Goodbye..... adeus....................

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