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New Divide

Nova Divisão

I remembered black skies I remembered black skies Me lembrei de céus negros The lightning all around me The lightning all around me O raio ao redor de mim I remembered each flash as time began to blur I remembered each flash as time began to blur Me lembrei de cada flash enquanto o tempo começou a se diluir Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me Como um sinal alarmante que o destino tinha finalmente me encontrado And your voice was all I heard And your voice was all I heard E sua voz foi tudo que ouvi That I get what I deserve That I get what I deserve Que eu tenho o que mereço So give me reason to prove me wrong So give me reason to prove me wrong Então me dê motivos para provar que estou errado To wash this memory clean To wash this memory clean Para apagar essas lembranças Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Deixe as enchentes atravessarem a distância em seus olhos Give me reason to fill this hole Give me reason to fill this hole Me dê razão para preencher esse buraco Connect the space between Connect the space between Conectar o espaço entre o que restou Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies Deixe isso ser suficiente para alcançar a verdade que mente Across this new divide Across this new divide Através dessa nova divisão There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned Não havia nada além de memórias abandonadas There was nowhere to hide There was nowhere to hide Não havia nenhum lugar pra se esconder The ashes fell like snow The ashes fell like snow As cinzas caíam como neve And the ground caved in between where we were standing And the ground caved in between where we were standing E o chão se abriu onde estávamos And your voice was all I heard And your voice was all I heard E sua voz foi tudo que ouvi That I get what I deserve That I get what I deserve Eu tenho o que mereço So give me reason to prove me wrong So give me reason to prove me wrong Então me dê motivos para provar que estou errado To wash this memory clean To wash this memory clean Para lavar esta memória Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Deixe as enchentes atravessarem a distância em seus olhos Across this new divide Across this new divide Através dessa nova divisão In every loss In every loss Em cada perda In every lie In every lie Em cada mentira In every truth that you'd deny In every truth that you'd deny Em cada verdade que você nega And each regret and each goodbye And each regret and each goodbye E cada arrependimento e cada adeus Was a mistake too great to hide Was a mistake too great to hide Foram um erro grande demais para esconder And your voice was all I heard And your voice was all I heard E sua voz foi tudo que ouvi That I get what I deserve That I get what I deserve Eu tenho o que mereço So give me reason to prove me wrong So give me reason to prove me wrong Então me dê motivos para provar que estou errado To wash this memory clean To wash this memory clean Para lavar essa memória Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Deixe as enchentes atravessarem a distância em seus olhos Give me reason to fill this hole Give me reason to fill this hole Me dê razão para preencher esse buraco Connect the space between Connect the space between Conectar o espaço Let it be enough to reach the truth and lies Let it be enough to reach the truth and lies Deixe isso ser suficiente para alcançar a verdade que mente Across this new divide Across this new divide Através dessa nova divisão Across this new divide Across this new divide Através dessa nova divisão Across this new divide Across this new divide Através dessa nova divisão

Composição: Chester Bennington, Dave Farrell, Joseph Hahn, Robert G Bourdon, Bradford Delson, Shinoda Michael Kenji

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