
Absolutely Nothing

Absolutamente nada.

I'm on the doorstep I'm on the doorstep Estoy sobre el umbral, With my key turned in the door With my key turned in the door con mi llave girada en la puerta. Walk in the living room Walk in the living room El paseo en la sala de estar And you're sat on the floor And you're sat on the floor y usted es sentado en el suelo. My heart is aching My heart is aching Mi corazón duele And I've never felt this bad And I've never felt this bad y nunca me he sentido este malo. I pinch myself I pinch myself Me pellizco To check that all of this is real To check that all of this is real para comprobar que todos esto es verdadero. Keep faking Keep faking Siga pensando que I'm not letting on I feel this sad I'm not letting on I feel this sad no soy el decir, me siento tan triste. And then you've got the cheek And then you've got the cheek Y luego usted tiene la mejilla To ask me how I feel To ask me how I feel para preguntarme como siento. And I say And I say Y digo... Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. I know you just want to see me get upset I know you just want to see me get upset Sé que usted solamente(justo) quiere verme ofenderme. My world turned upside down My world turned upside down Mi mundo puesto de arriba abajo So what did you expect So what did you expect tan que le hizo espera. My heart is aching My heart is aching Mi corazón duele And I've never felt this bad And I've never felt this bad y nunca me he sentido este malo. I pinch myself I pinch myself Me pellizco To check that all of this is real To check that all of this is real para comprobar que todos esto es verdadero. Keep faking Keep faking Siga pensando que I'm not letting on I feel this sad I'm not letting on I feel this sad no soy el decir, me siento tan triste. And then you've got the cheek And then you've got the cheek Y luego usted tiene la mejilla To ask me how I feel To ask me how I feel para preguntarme como siento. And I say And I say Y digo... Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. You've seen me cry You've seen me cry Usted me ha visto llorar Too many times Too many times demasiadas veces. But not this time But not this time Pero no esta vez. No, not this time No, not this time Ningún no esta vez. I don't need you I don't need you No le necesito To help me through To help me through para ayudarme por. I'll be just fine I'll be just fine Seré solamente(justo) fino. I'll be just fine I'll be just fine Seré solamente(justo) fino. And I say And I say Y digo.. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada. I'm absolutely fine I'm absolutely fine Soy absolutamente fino. Absolutely nothing Absolutely nothing Absolutamente nada You can say to change my mind You can say to change my mind usted puede decir cambiar mi mente.

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