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House Of The Rising Sun

Casa do Sol Nascente

There is a house in New Orleans There is a house in New Orleans Há uma casa em New Orleans They call The Rising Sun They call The Rising Sun Eles a chamam de Sol Nascente And it's been the ruin of many a poor girls And it's been the ruin of many a poor girls E tem sido a ruína de muitas pobres meninas And God, I know I'm one And God, I know I'm one E Deus, eu sei que eu sou uma delas My mother was a tailor My mother was a tailor Minha mãe era costureira She sowed my new blue jeans She sowed my new blue jeans Ela costurou meus novos jeans azuis My sweetheart he was a gambler, oh, Lord My sweetheart he was a gambler, oh, Lord Meu namorado era apostador, oh, Deus Down in New Orleans Down in New Orleans Em New Orleans Oh, mother, tell my baby sister Oh, mother, tell my baby sister Oh, mãe, diga a minha irmãzinha Not to do what I have done Not to do what I have done Para não fazer o que eu fiz But shun that house in New Orleans But shun that house in New Orleans E sim esquivar-se da casa em Nova Orleans They call The Rising Sun They call The Rising Sun Que eles chamam de Sol Nascente Is my one foot on the platform Is my one foot on the platform Um de meus pés está na plataforma The other is on the train The other is on the train O outro está no trem I'm going back to New Orleans I'm going back to New Orleans Estou voltando para New Orleans To wear that ball and chain To wear that ball and chain Para usar aquela bola e a corrente

Composição: Alan Price

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