Hi it's, me I'm bored again, Hi it's, me I'm bored again, Oi, sou eu, estou entediado de novo All is well I'm not insane All is well I'm not insane tudo está bem, não estou louco I've been drunk for seven days, I've been drunk for seven days, eu estou bêbado por 7 dias Everything is fine Everything is fine tudo está bem I made some friends, broke the ice, I made some friends, broke the ice, fiz alguns amigos e quebrei o gelo Then I some ate bread and cheese Then I some ate bread and cheese então comi um pão e queijo To gain some weight, To gain some weight, ganhei um pouco de peso Keep me warm everything's o.k. Keep me warm everything's o.k. pra me manter aquecido tudo está ok [chorus] [chorus] [refrão] It's me delivering psychosis, It's me delivering psychosis, Isso sou eu, entregando psicose Over the phone to you Over the phone to you no telefone com voce I color your world blue, I color your world blue, eu pintei seu mundo de azul Ten thousand miles from you Ten thousand miles from you dez mil milhas de voce I'm sinking all alone, I'm sinking all alone, estou afundando sozinho Treading new waters, I miss my buoy Treading new waters, I miss my buoy pisando em novas águas onde está minha bóia The van smells like a dirty sock, The van smells like a dirty sock, a van cheira a meia suja Everyone has got the flu Everyone has got the flu tdo mundo esta gripado I'd rather be sick of you, I'd rather be sick of you, prefiro estar de saco cheio de voce I'd rather be asleep I'd rather be asleep prefiro estar adormecido [repeat chorus] [repeat chorus] [repete refrão] When I get home, the band will have, When I get home, the band will have, quando chegar em casa It's first hit song It's first hit song a banda terá seu primeiro hit you and I, will buy some rings, you and I, will buy some rings, voce e eu compraremos uns anéis And a suburban home And a suburban home e uma casa no subúrbio I'll bring home, the bacon bits, I'll bring home, the bacon bits, eu trarei pra casa uns pedaços de bacon We'll make our parents grandparents We'll make our parents grandparents nós faremos nossos ovos I'll take you out, to breakfast at night, I'll take you out, to breakfast at night, eu te levarei pro café da manhã a noite And then we?ll go to sleep And then we?ll go to sleep então iremos dormir