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I Wish

Eu desejo

Looking back on when I Looking back on when I Olhando para trás quando eu Was a little nappy headed boy Was a little nappy headed boy Era um garotinho de fralda And my only worry And my only worry E minha única preocupação Was for Christmas what would be my toy Was for Christmas what would be my toy Foi para o Natal o que seria meu brinquedo Even though we sometimes Even though we sometimes Mesmo que às vezes Would not get a thing Would not get a thing Não conseguiria nada We were happy with the We were happy with the Ficamos felizes com o Joy the day would bring Joy the day would bring Alegria que o dia traria Sneaking out the back door Sneaking out the back door Esgueirando-se pela porta dos fundos To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine Para sair com esses meus amigos idiotas Greeted at the back door Greeted at the back door Saudado na porta dos fundos With boy thought I told you not to go outside With boy thought I told you not to go outside Com o menino pensei que eu te disse para não sair Tryin' your best to bring the Tryin' your best to bring the Tentando o seu melhor para trazer o Water to your eyes Water to your eyes Água para os olhos Thinkin' it might stop her Thinkin' it might stop her Achando que isso poderia impedi-la From woopin' your behind From woopin' your behind De woopin 'seu atrás I wish those days could come back once more I wish those days could come back once more Eu queria que esses dias voltassem mais uma vez Why did those days ev-er have to go Why did those days ev-er have to go Por que esses dias têm que ir I wish those days could come back once more I wish those days could come back once more Eu queria que esses dias voltassem mais uma vez Why did those days ev-er have to go Why did those days ev-er have to go Por que esses dias têm que ir Cause I love them so Cause I love them so Porque eu os amo tanto Brother says he's tellin' Brother says he's tellin' Irmão diz que ele está dizendo 'Bout you playin' doctor with that girl 'Bout you playin' doctor with that girl "Você está brincando de médico com aquela garota?" Just don't tell I'll give you Just don't tell I'll give you Só não diga que vou te dar Anything you want in this whole wide world Anything you want in this whole wide world Qualquer coisa que você queira neste mundo inteiro Mama gives you money for Sunday school Mama gives you money for Sunday school Mamãe te dá dinheiro para a escola dominical You trade yours for candy after church is through You trade yours for candy after church is through Você troca o seu por doces depois que a igreja passar Smokin' cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall Smokin' cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall Fumar cigarros e escrever algo desagradável na parede (You nasty boy) (You nasty boy) (Seu menino desagradável) Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the hall Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the hall Professor manda você para o escritório do diretor no final do corredor You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right Você cresce e aprende que tipo de coisa não está certa But while you were doin'it-it sure felt outta sight But while you were doin'it-it sure felt outta sight Mas enquanto você estava fazendo isso, certamente I wish those days could come back once more I wish those days could come back once more Eu queria que esses dias voltassem mais uma vez Why did those days ev-er have to go Why did those days ev-er have to go Por que esses dias têm que ir I wish those days could come back once more I wish those days could come back once more Eu queria que esses dias voltassem mais uma vez Why did those days ev-er have to go Why did those days ev-er have to go Por que esses dias têm que ir

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