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To The Edge

Para A Borda

Here I start to define it Here I start to define it Aqui eu começo a definir As a sign on my skin that I just try to wash away As a sign on my skin that I just try to wash away Como uma marca na minha pele que eu apenas tento remover Reminder Reminder Lembrando, Infected, it'll be painful to me Infected, it'll be painful to me infectado, vai ser doloroso para mim Life is so short Life is so short Close to the edge of another backdoor Close to the edge of another backdoor A vida é tão curta Life is so sure Life is so sure Perto da borda de uma outra saída Life will be ready to twist up your world Life will be ready to twist up your world A vida é tão certa Here it starts to enlighten Here it starts to enlighten A vida estará pronta para revirar o seu mundo There's a frame I can't change There's a frame I can't change That' I just have to watch again That' I just have to watch again Aqui isso começa a clarear Reminder Reminder Existe uma armação que não posso mudar, Repressed inside me, it keeps repeating Repressed inside me, it keeps repeating só tenho que ver de novo Life is so short Life is so short Lembrando, Close to the edge of another backdoor Close to the edge of another backdoor preso dentro de mim, que continua repetindo Life is so sure Life is so sure Life will be ready to twist up your world Life will be ready to twist up your world A vida é tão curta

Composição: Lacuna Coil

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