some may struggle and some may fall some may struggle and some may fall Uns podem lutar, outros podem cair one only follows, another one leads one only follows, another one leads Um somente seguirá, o outro conduzirá and while some only endure constant slavery and while some only endure constant slavery E enquanto um somente sofrerá constante escravidão others satisfy their never ending greed others satisfy their never ending greed O outro satisfará sua interminável ganância some born to win, some born to loose some born to win, some born to loose Uns nascem para vencer, outros nascem para perder what fate may come, only time can tell what fate may come, only time can tell E o que o destino irá trazer, só o tempo poderá dizer better to live in sin than nothing else to choose better to live in sin than nothing else to choose Melhor viver em pecado do que não ter nada para escolher servant in heaven, king in hell servant in heaven, king in hell Servo no Céu - Rei no Inferno some may give and some may take some may give and some may take Uns dão e outros tomam one only suffers others celebrate one only suffers others celebrate Um só sofre, o outro celebra and while some know that their time will never come and while some know that their time will never come E enquanto alguns souberem Que sua hora nunca chegará others realise that it's never ever too late others realise that it's never ever too late Outros percebem que nunca é tarde demais some see the dark, some see the light some see the dark, some see the light Alguns vêem a escuridão e outros vêem a luz what's in your view only time can tell what's in your view only time can tell E o que há em suas vistas, só o tempo poderá dizer better to taste the fire than swallowed by the night better to taste the fire than swallowed by the night Melhor provar o fogo Do que ser engolido pela escuridão servant in heaven, king in hell servant in heaven, king in hell Servo no Céu - Rei no Inferno some are cast aside as anger blinds the mind some are cast aside as anger blinds the mind Uns foram abandonados pela ira que cegou suas mentes baptised in flames to lead again baptised in flames to lead again Batizados nas chamas para comandar novamente to see them take it all a tearing of the heart to see them take it all a tearing of the heart Para vê-los tomarem toda a fúria de seus corações a thousand reasons for your hate a thousand reasons for your hate Mil razões para o seu ódio