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Red Flag

Red Flag

I feel trapped and it's all I feel trapped and it's all Me sinto presa numa armadilha e isso tudo está nas In my dirty hands In my dirty hands minhas mãos sujas These walls are closing in These walls are closing in Essas paredes estão se fechando You always were so hard You always were so hard Você sempre foi tão difícil de a To please To please gradar You thought you had me on You thought you had me on Você achou que me tinha de My knees My knees joelhos I think i'm going under I think i'm going under Eu acho que estou me afundando Red flags for all of this Red flags for all of this Bandeiras vermelhas pra tudo isso You're cold and calculating You're cold and calculating Você é frio e calculista A knife held to my lips A knife held to my lips Uma faca prendeu em meus labios And this anticipating And this anticipating E isso antecipou Blade bleeding for a kiss Blade bleeding for a kiss Uma lamina sangrenta para um beijo (chorus) This is the day, and you wait (chorus) This is the day, and you wait [Chorus] Esse é o dia, e você espera Is this fate, laying waste Is this fate, laying waste esse é o destino,derrubando lixo And you'll stayhere forever And you'll stayhere forever E você vai ficar aqui pra sempre Stay here forever Stay here forever Ficar aqui pra sempre And all that's left are scars And all that's left are scars E tudo o que sobrou foram cicatrizes And lies And lies E mentiras Whispering while beauty dies Whispering while beauty dies Sussurrando enquanto a beleza morre I claw my neck for answers I claw my neck for answers Eu agarro meu pescoço por respostas As last life slips away As last life slips away Ao menos a vida passa deslizando Take me away Take me away Me leve embora

Composição: Morgan Lander

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