


Oh! Gaia, great goddess who gives life to Oh! Gaia, great goddess who gives life to Oh! Gaia, grande deusa que dá vida, Everything that lives and grows on the infinite body. Everything that lives and grows on the infinite body. Tudo que vidas e cresce no corpo infinito. Embrace the boundless areas. Embrace the boundless areas. Abrace as áreas ilimitadas. In other long forgotten worships. In other long forgotten worships. Em outras adorações esquecidas longas. They call for thee by the inexpressible names. They call for thee by the inexpressible names. Eles pedem thee pelos nomes inexprimíveis. And also inexpressible is the name of the mountain. And also inexpressible is the name of the mountain. E também inexprimível é o nome da montanha. They were the priests carrying torches They were the priests carrying torches Eles eram os padres que levam tochas To invoke the speaking words that the To invoke the speaking words that the Invocar as palavras que fala que o Human minds cannot comprehend. Human minds cannot comprehend. Mentes humanas não podem compreender. Gaia, all mighty goddess Gaia, all mighty goddess Gaia, deusa todo poderosa, In your endless body the gave birth to the tartars. In your endless body the gave birth to the tartars. Em seu corpo infinito o deu à luz os tártaros. The dreadful tartars. The dreadful tartars. Os tártaros terríveis. There were no life exists but only shadows. There were no life exists but only shadows. Havia nenhuma vida existe mas só sombras. The shadows of the past. The shadows of the past. As sombras do passado. Thou mingled with the universe and gave birth to fearful gods. Thou mingled with the universe and gave birth to fearful gods. Tu entrosou com o universo e deu à luz deuses medrosos. Oh! Great mother I call thee. Oh! Great mother I call thee. Oh! Grande mãe eu chamo thee. Saw me the ancient secrets. Saw me the ancient secrets. Me visto os segredos antigos. Give me the universe's being. Give me the universe's being. Me dê o universo está sendo. Give me eternal life. Give me eternal life. Me dê vida eterna. Give me the knowledge of the black arts. Give me the knowledge of the black arts. Me dê o conhecimento das artes pretas. Oh! Gaia. Oh! Gaia. Oh! Gaia.

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