I navigate the dark I navigate the dark Eu navego no escuro I bow before the flame I have deserted I bow before the flame I have deserted Eu me curvo diante da chama que abandonei Step off the map and let it go Step off the map and let it go Saia do mapa e deixe-o ir Then focus on the fade Then focus on the fade Em seguida, concentre-se no desbotamento Stillness of the day Stillness of the day Quietude do dia Renewal was the death of my ambition Renewal was the death of my ambition Renovação foi a morte da minha ambição To get higher To get higher Para ficar mais alto I have to go so low I have to go so low Eu tenho que ir tão baixo Sold my worth Sold my worth Vendi meu valor Made time for it Made time for it Arranjou tempo para isso While I waited for something lasting While I waited for something lasting Enquanto eu esperava por algo duradouro Until you would come running my way Until you would come running my way Até você vir correndo no meu caminho To stay To stay Ficar But does it matter now But does it matter now Mas isso importa agora It's the winter of our passing It's the winter of our passing É o inverno da nossa passagem Sold my trust Sold my trust Vendi minha confiança And my love too And my love too E meu amor tambem Disregard the soul Disregard the soul Desconsidere a alma Heart is made of mist Heart is made of mist Coração é feito de névoa And still it's thinning And still it's thinning E ainda está afinando Bad news for you is we are fucked Bad news for you is we are fucked Más notícias para você é que estamos fodidos And you don't know where we're heading next And you don't know where we're heading next E você não sabe para onde estamos indo The feeling that did remain The feeling that did remain O sentimento que permaneceu If we take some time to remember it If we take some time to remember it Se demorarmos algum tempo para lembrar The feeling of what was good The feeling of what was good A sensação do que era bom Do you recall it at all Do you recall it at all Você se lembra disso To get higher To get higher Para ficar mais alto I have to go so low I have to go so low Eu tenho que ir tão baixo Sold my worth Sold my worth Vendi meu valor Made time for it Made time for it Arranjou tempo para isso While I waited for something lasting While I waited for something lasting Enquanto eu esperava por algo duradouro Until you would come running my way Until you would come running my way Até você vir correndo no meu caminho To stay To stay Ficar But does it matter now But does it matter now Mas isso importa agora It's the winter of our passing It's the winter of our passing É o inverno da nossa passagem Sold my trust Sold my trust Vendi minha confiança And my love too And my love too E meu amor tambem