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Take Away

Ha Quitado

Insanity has taken away Insanity has taken away La locura se ha llevado All the beauty of humanity All the beauty of humanity Toda la belleza de la humanidad Murders of every kind Murders of every kind Asesinatos de todo tipo It's so much blood, the world can't hide It's so much blood, the world can't hide Es tanta sangre, el mundo no puede ocultar Greed has taken away Greed has taken away La codicia ha quitado Morality, for fuck sakes Morality, for fuck sakes La moral, por el amor de mierda Political interests Political interests Los intereses políticos Killing innocent´s, world's depress Killing innocent´s, world's depress Matar a inocentes, el mundo de bajar Madness has taken away Madness has taken away La locura se ha llevado Every moment of lucidness Every moment of lucidness Cada momento de lucidez Killing without a reason Killing without a reason Matar sin una razón Global delusion Global delusion ilusión Mundial Kill, kill, kill for the money Kill, kill, kill for the money Matar, matar, matar por el dinero Kill, kill, kill for the pleasure Kill, kill, kill for the pleasure Matar, matar, matar por el placer Kill, kill, kill for territory Kill, kill, kill for territory Matar, matar, matar por el territorio Kill, kill, kill for one God Kill, kill, kill for one God Matar, matar, matar a un solo Dios Fanaticism has taken away Fanaticism has taken away El fanatismo ha quitado The real mean of faith The real mean of faith La media real de la fe Fighting for a holy ground Fighting for a holy ground La lucha por una tierra santa Rotting corpses around Rotting corpses around Cuerpos en descomposición en torno a Sick, sick, sick, the world is becoming sick Sick, sick, sick, the world is becoming sick Enfermo, enfermo, enfermo, el mundo se está convirtiendo en enfermos

Composição: Raphael Olmos

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