Original Espanhol

All Over Again

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You've been alone, you've been afraid You've been alone, you've been afraid Você esteve sozinha, você esteve com medo I've been a fool I've been a fool Eu fui um tolo In so many ways In so many ways Em diversas maneiras But I would change my life But I would change my life Mas eu mudaria minha vida If you thought you, might try to love me If you thought you, might try to love me Se você pensar em tentar me amar So please give me another chance So please give me another chance Então por favor, me dê outra chance To write you another song To write you another song Para escrever-lhe uma outra canção And take back those things I've done And take back those things I've done Esqueça aquelas coisas que eu fiz Cause I'll give you my heart Cause I'll give you my heart Porque eu te darei meu coração If you would let me start all over, If you would let me start all over, Se você me deixar começar tudo Again Again de novo I'm not a saint I'm not a saint I'm just a man I'm just a man Eu não sou um santo Who had heaven and Earth Who had heaven and Earth Sou apenas um homem In the palm of his hand In the palm of his hand Que tem o céu e a terra But I threw it away But I threw it away Na palma de sua mão So now I stand here today asking forgiveness and if you could just please So now I stand here today asking forgiveness and if you could just please Mas joguei a oportunidade fora Give me another chance Give me another chance Por isso estou hoje aqui pedindo o seu perdão e se você poderia apenas To write you another song To write you another song Me dar outra chance And take back those thing's I've done And take back those thing's I've done Para escrever-lhe uma outra canção Cause I'll give you my heart Cause I'll give you my heart Esqueça aquelas coisas que eu fiz If you would let me start all over If you would let me start all over Porque eu te darei meu coração Again Again Se você me deixar começar tudo Little girl you're all I've got Little girl you're all I've got de novo Don't you leave me standing here once again Don't you leave me standing here once again Cause I'll give you my all life Cause I'll give you my all life Garotinha, você é tudo que eu tenho Yes I would Yes I would Não me deixe aqui novamente If you would let me try to love you If you would let me try to love you Porque eu te darei minha vida So please give me another chance to write you another song and take back those So please give me another chance to write you another song and take back those sim eu darei thing's I've done thing's I've done Se você me deixar tentar te amar Cause I'll give you my heart Cause I'll give you my heart If you would let me start all over If you would let me start all over Então por favor, me dê outra chance, para escrever-lhe uma outra canção e para trás e tomar Again Again Coisas que já fiz Again, oh,no no ohh Again, oh,no no ohh You know I love you, yeah You know I love you, yeah Porque eu dei a você meu coração Give me one more chance Give me one more chance Se você me deixar recomeçar desde o início De novo

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