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Faster than a bullet Faster than a bullet Mais rápido que uma bala Terrifying scream Terrifying scream Um grito apavorante Enraged and full of anger Enraged and full of anger Enfurecido e cheio de raiva He's half man and half machine He's half man and half machine Ele é metade homem, metade máquina Rides the Metal Monster Rides the Metal Monster Cavalgando o Monstro de Metal Breathing smoke and fire Breathing smoke and fire Respirando fogo e fumaça Closing in with vengeance soaring high Closing in with vengeance soaring high Aproximando-se com vingança num vôo arrojado He is the Painkiller He is the Painkiller Ele é o Painkiller This is the Painkiller This is the Painkiller Esse é o Painkiller Planets devastated Planets devastated Planetas devastados Mankind's on its knees Mankind's on its knees A raça humana de joelhos A saviour comes from out the skies A saviour comes from out the skies Um salvador vem dos céus In answer to their pleas In answer to their pleas Em resposta ao apelo deles Through boiling clouds of thunder Through boiling clouds of thunder Atravessando ferventes nuvens de trovão Blasting bolts of steel Blasting bolts of steel Explodindo parafusos de aço Evils going under deadly wheels Evils going under deadly wheels O mal desce em círculos mortais He is the Painkiller He is the Painkiller Ele é o Painkiller This is the Painkiller This is the Painkiller Esse é o Painkiller Faster than a lazer bullet Faster than a lazer bullet Mais rápido que uma bala laser Louder than an atom bomb Louder than an atom bomb Mais barulhento que uma bomba atômica Chromium plated boiling metal Chromium plated boiling metal O cromo blindado, metal em ebulição Brighter than a thousand suns Brighter than a thousand suns Mais luminoso do que mil sóis Flying high on rapture Flying high on rapture Voando alto na captura Stronger free and brave Stronger free and brave Fortalecido, livre e valente Nevermore encaptured Nevermore encaptured Nunca mais capturado They've been brought back from the grave They've been brought back from the grave Eles foram levados de volta á sepultura With mankind ressurrected With mankind ressurrected Com a humanidade ressuscitada Forever to survive Forever to survive Sobreviver eternamente ao Returns from Armageddon to the skies Returns from Armageddon to the skies Retorno do Armageddon nos céus He is the Painkiller He is the Painkiller Ele é o Painkiller This is the Painkiller This is the Painkiller Isso é o Painkiller Wings of steel Painkiller Wings of steel Painkiller Asas de aço - Painkiller Deadly wheels Painkiller Deadly wheels Painkiller Círculos mortais - Painkiller

Composição: Robert Halford, Glenn Tipton, Kenneth Downing

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