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Jacaranda Tree

Jacaranda Árvore

Sitting on porches Sitting on porches Sentado nas varandas Since Friday while the sky Since Friday while the sky Desde sexta-feira enquanto o céu Tilts like a watery glass Tilts like a watery glass Inclina como um vidro aquoso We wait for downpours We wait for downpours Vamos esperar para chuvas A drenching joy A drenching joy A alegria encharcamento A carnival sky A carnival sky Um céu de carnaval But what I don’t say But what I don’t say Mas o que eu não digo What I can’t say What I can’t say O que eu não posso dizer Is that with this joy Is that with this joy É que, com esta alegria Comes a mourning Comes a mourning Vem um luto Something left behind Something left behind Algo deixado para trás Blue lined, teary Blue lined, teary Azul forrado, com lágrimas nos Mingled Mingled Misturado I move on I move on Eu seguir em frente All things will change All things will change Todas as coisas vão mudar We wait for the rain We wait for the rain Vamos esperar para a chuva And the promise remains And the promise remains E a promessa permanece Live life fully Live life fully Viver a vida plenamente Peeking through fingers Peeking through fingers Espreitando por entre os dedos Slung in our hammocks Slung in our hammocks Pendurada em nossas redes Cocooned Cocooned Isolados Skimming the water Skimming the water Água Skimming o Trapezed above time Trapezed above time Trapezed acima do tempo We glide like slingshot angels We glide like slingshot angels Nós deslizar como anjos estilingue Belly up and Belly up and De barriga para cima e Floating we see Floating we see Flutuando vemos The promise in the sky The promise in the sky A promessa no céu Up to Orion’s ribs Up to Orion’s ribs Até costelas Orion We climb this tree We climb this tree Nós subimos a árvore And listen And listen E ouvir For our pulse For our pulse Para o nosso pulso All things will change All things will change Todas as coisas vão mudar We wait for the rain We wait for the rain Vamos esperar para a chuva And the promise remains And the promise remains E a promessa permanece I flung loosely I flung loosely Abri vagamente Into that world Into that world Em que mundo I stayed heavily I stayed heavily Fiquei muito I’ll be a Jacaranda Tree I’ll be a Jacaranda Tree Eu serei uma árvore Jacaranda In Indiana In Indiana Em Indiana I say I say Digo Greenhoused and sung to Greenhoused and sung to Greenhoused e cantado para I pray light will I pray light will Peço luz Leak from out pockets Leak from out pockets Vazamento de bolsos para fora We’ll be drenched, overcome We’ll be drenched, overcome Estaremos encharcado, superar At night the fireflies At night the fireflies À noite, os vaga-lumes Streamers at our sides Streamers at our sides Flâmulas em nossos lados Silent flaming arcs of hope Silent flaming arcs of hope Silenciosos arcos flamejantes de esperança All things will change All things will change Todas as coisas vão mudar We wait for the rain We wait for the rain Vamos esperar para a chuva And the promise remains And the promise remains E a promessa permanece

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