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All Creatures

Todas as Criaturas

All creatures of our God and King All creatures of our God and King Todas as criaturas do nosso Deus e Rei Lift up your voice and let us sing Lift up your voice and let us sing Levante sua voz e cantemos O praise Him! O praise Him! O praise Him! O praise Him! O louvá-Lo! O louvá-Lo! Alleluia. Alleluia. Aleluia. Creation sent to me the centipede Creation sent to me the centipede Criação enviado para mim a centopéia To witness the complexity To witness the complexity Para testemunhar a complexidade Of one hundred legs that were moving unexpectedly Of one hundred legs that were moving unexpectedly De cem pernas que se moviam inesperadamente Ironically, just as they were meant to be Ironically, just as they were meant to be Ironicamente, assim como eles foram feitos para ser They’re fearfully and wonderfully made They’re fearfully and wonderfully made Eles são assombrosamente maravilhoso me formaste An organism prays in circadian rhythms An organism prays in circadian rhythms Uma reza organismo em ritmos circadianos The sun will rise, and the sun will set The sun will rise, and the sun will set O sol nascerá, eo sol irá se pôr The sun will rise again so lift up your head The sun will rise again so lift up your head O sol vai nascer novamente para levantar a sua cabeça This is life, not a static object preserved and displayed This is life, not a static object preserved and displayed Esta é a vida, não um objeto estático preservada e exibida Like a relic of the dead Like a relic of the dead Como uma relíquia dos mortos You are not a fruitless tree with a rootless disease You are not a fruitless tree with a rootless disease Você não é uma árvore sem frutos com uma doença sem raízes Growin’ in a bucket in a rich man’s home Growin’ in a bucket in a rich man’s home Crescendo em um balde na casa de um homem rico Next to the TV, tamed and alone Next to the TV, tamed and alone Próximo à TV, domado e só Learnin’ to lust for the things you don’t own Learnin’ to lust for the things you don’t own Aprendendo para a cobiçar as coisas que você não possuem Like an armchair warrior who’s been dethroned Like an armchair warrior who’s been dethroned Como um guerreiro poltrona que tem sido destronado Declawed and fixed Declawed and fixed Declawed e fixado Fightin’ for your life with unattended slit wrists Fightin’ for your life with unattended slit wrists Lutando por sua vida com pulsos de fenda autônoma Don’t let your name get intermingled with a number Don’t let your name get intermingled with a number Não deixe que seu nome se misturaram com um número Cause it’s time to awaken from the devilish slumber Cause it’s time to awaken from the devilish slumber Porque é hora de despertar do sono diabólico And freely follow the forerunner to the Fatherland And freely follow the forerunner to the Fatherland E seguir livremente o precursor para a Pátria And rally ‘round the Renaissance man And rally ‘round the Renaissance man E rodada comício 'o homem da Renascença And the wisdom of His ways And the wisdom of His ways E a sabedoria de seus caminhos And all the work of His hands And all the work of His hands E todo o trabalho das suas mãos Catch come as catch can Catch come as catch can Pegue vir como pegar pode Concentrating on the good words of the Son of Man Concentrating on the good words of the Son of Man Concentrando-se nas boas palavras do Filho do Homem The plan is to withstand the demands of a confused oppressor The plan is to withstand the demands of a confused oppressor O plano é para suportar as exigências de um opressor confuso A wolf in sheep’s clothes with monotonous lectures A wolf in sheep’s clothes with monotonous lectures Um lobo em pele de cordeiro com palestras monótonas And questionable gestures And questionable gestures E gestos questionáveis Unequal measures Unequal measures Medidas desiguais Cultural pressures Cultural pressures As pressões culturais And synthetic textures And synthetic textures E texturas sintéticas Force fed instead of the most beautiful architecture Force fed instead of the most beautiful architecture Alimentados à força em vez da mais bela arquitetura Of our long lost, forgotten origins Of our long lost, forgotten origins Dos nossos longos perdidos, esquecidos origens Earth, seed, fiber and the blood of my kin Earth, seed, fiber and the blood of my kin Terra, a fibra da semente, eo sangue de minha família And that old rock where we confessed our sins And that old rock where we confessed our sins E que o rock antigo, onde nós confessamos nossos pecados Oh, my God, fellow man, and this great land Oh, my God, fellow man, and this great land Oh, meu Deus, ao próximo, e esta grande terra They all cry out for full restoration They all cry out for full restoration Todos clamam por restauração completa And this will take patience And this will take patience E isso vai ter paciência And this will take the tribes and tongues of all the nations And this will take the tribes and tongues of all the nations E isso vai levar as tribos e línguas de todas as nações And all of creation groans in anticipation And all of creation groans in anticipation E toda a criação geme na expectativa Waitin’ for the Son of God to be manifest Waitin’ for the Son of God to be manifest Esperando pelo Filho de Deus para se manifestar And I can feel it burnin’ in my chest And I can feel it burnin’ in my chest E eu posso sentir isso queimando em meu peito The liberation for the oppressed The liberation for the oppressed A libertação dos oprimidos And it’s beautiful like the feet that bring good news And it’s beautiful like the feet that bring good news E é lindo como os pés que trazem boas notícias It’s beautiful like this freedom tune It’s beautiful like this freedom tune É bonita como esta melodia liberdade It’s beautiful like the power to choose, to change It’s beautiful like the power to choose, to change É lindo como o poder de escolher, de mudar Beautiful like the long awaited rain Beautiful like the long awaited rain Linda como a chuva tão esperada Beautiful like the healing pains Beautiful like the healing pains Bela como as dores de cura Beautiful like to holy flames Beautiful like to holy flames Linda gostaria de chamas sagradas Coming down Coming down Descendo All creatures of our God and King All creatures of our God and King Todas as criaturas do nosso Deus e Rei Lift up your voice and let us sing Lift up your voice and let us sing Levante sua voz e cantemos O praise Him! O Praise Him! O praise Him! O Praise Him! O louvá-Lo! O louvai-o! Alleluia Alleluia Aleluia

Composição: Josh Garrels

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