
Summer Rain

Summer Rain

Summer Rain Summer Rain Chuva de Verão - Artist: Johnny Rivers as sung on &quot;Anthology 1964-1977&quot; - Artist: Johnny Rivers as sung on &quot;Anthology 1964-1977&quot; - Artista: Johnny Rivers como cantou em "Anthology 1964-1977" - Rhino Records R4 707093 - Rhino Records R4 707093 - Rhino Records R4 707.093 - peak Billboard position # 14 in 1968 - peak Billboard position # 14 in 1968 - Posição do pico da Billboard # 14 em 1968 - Words and Music by James Hendricks - Words and Music by James Hendricks - Letra e música de James Hendricks Summer rain taps at my window Summer rain taps at my window torneiras chuva de verão na minha janela West wind soft as a sweet dream West wind soft as a sweet dream West vento suave como um doce sonho My love warm as the sunshine My love warm as the sunshine Meu amor quente como o sol Sittin&#39; here by me, she&#39;s here by me-ee-ee Sittin&#39; here by me, she&#39;s here by me-ee-ee Sentado aqui por mim, ela está aqui comigo-ee-ee She stepped out of the rainbow She stepped out of the rainbow Ela saiu do arco-íris Golden hair shinin&#39; like moon glow Golden hair shinin&#39; like moon glow brilho dourado brilhando cabelo "lua como Warm lips soft as a soul Warm lips soft as a soul Lábios quentes suave como uma alma Sittin&#39; here by me, she&#39;s here by me-ee-ee Sittin&#39; here by me, she&#39;s here by me-ee-ee Sentado aqui por mim, ela está aqui comigo-ee-ee All summer long we spent dancin&#39; in the sand All summer long we spent dancin&#39; in the sand Durante todo o verão que passou dançando na areia And the jukebox kept on playin&#39; And the jukebox kept on playin&#39; E a jukebox mantidos em brincando Sergeant Pepper&#39;s Lonely Hearts Club Band Sergeant Pepper&#39;s Lonely Hearts Club Band Band Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club We sailed into the sunset We sailed into the sunset Nós navegamos no por do sol Drifted home caught by a gulf stream Drifted home caught by a gulf stream Drifted casa pego por uma corrente do Golfo Never gave a thought for tomorrow Never gave a thought for tomorrow Nunca deu um pensamento para amanhã Just let tomorrow be, now, let tomorrow be-ee-ee Just let tomorrow be, now, let tomorrow be-ee-ee Basta deixar que amanhã será, agora, vamos ser amanhã-ee-ee &lt;instrumental interlude&gt; &lt;instrumental interlude&gt; interlude> <instrumental She wants to live in the Rockies She wants to live in the Rockies Ela quer viver nas Montanhas Rochosas She says that&#39;s where we&#39;ll find peace She says that&#39;s where we&#39;ll find peace Ela diz que é onde vamos encontrar a paz Settle down, raise up a fam&#39;ly Settle down, raise up a fam&#39;ly Acalmem-se, levantar um fam'ly To call our own, yeah, we&#39;ll have a home To call our own, yeah, we&#39;ll have a home Para chamar a nossa, sim, próprio, nós vamos ter uma casa All summer long we spent groovin&#39; in the sand All summer long we spent groovin&#39; in the sand Durante todo o verão passamos Groovin 'na areia Everybody kept on playin&#39; Everybody kept on playin&#39; Todo mundo continuou brincando Sergeant Pepper&#39;s Lonely Hearts Club Band Sergeant Pepper&#39;s Lonely Hearts Club Band Band Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club The snow drifts by my window The snow drifts by my window Os montes de neve na minha janela North wind blowin&#39; like thunder North wind blowin&#39; like thunder trovão como o vento sopra do Norte " Our love&#39;s burnin&#39; like fire Our love&#39;s burnin&#39; like fire como fogo queimando nosso amor " And she&#39;s here by me, yeah, she&#39;s here with me-ee-ee And she&#39;s here by me, yeah, she&#39;s here with me-ee-ee E ela está aqui por mim, sim, ela está aqui comigo-ee-ee Let tomorrow be-ee-ee-ee Let tomorrow be-ee-ee-ee Deixe o amanhã ser-ee-ee-ee &lt;instrumental to end&gt; &lt;instrumental to end&gt; <instrumental para end> Transcribed by Robin Hood Transcribed by Robin Hood Transcrito por Robin Hood These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above Estas letras foram transcritas da gravação específicos mencionados and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet e não corresponde necessariamente com letras de outras gravações, folha music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets. music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets. música, cânticos ou letras impressas em capas.

Composição: James Hendricks

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