Original Espanhol

Darling Talk To Me

querida fale para mim

Darling, darling, talk to me Darling, darling, talk to me querida,querida fale para mim Tell me what's wrong tonight Tell me what's wrong tonight me diga o que está errado esta noite For by your silence I can see For by your silence I can see pelo seu silencio posso ver Things aren't right Things aren't right que as coisas não estão certas [Talk to me] [Talk to me] fale para mim What is it that I should know What is it that I should know o que é que eu devo saber That's locked inside your heart That's locked inside your heart que está trancada no seu coração The way you act it makes me think The way you act it makes me think o jeito como voce age me faz pensar That you want to part That you want to part que voce quer partir [Talk to me] [Talk to me] fale para mim For when I try to kiss you For when I try to kiss you porque quando eu tento te beijar You turn your lips away You turn your lips away voce tiras os labios And when I ask if you love me And when I ask if you love me e quando eu pergunto se voce me ama You have nothing to say You have nothing to say voce não tem nada a dizer [Talk to me] [Talk to me] fale para mim Darling, darling, please tell me Darling, darling, please tell me querida, querida, por favor me diga Do you wish to part? Do you wish to part? voce deseja partir? Darling, darling, talk to me Darling, darling, talk to me querida, querida,fale para mim Though your voice may break my heart Though your voice may break my heart talvez sua voz possa me partir o coração [Talk to me] [Talk to me] fale para mim Darling, darling, talk to me Darling, darling, talk to me querida, querida, fale para mim Though your voice may break my heart Though your voice may break my heart talvez sua voz possa partir meu coração Darling, darling, talk to me Darling, darling, talk to me qurida,querida fale para mim Darling, darling, talk to me Darling, darling, talk to me querida, querida fale para mim

Composição: Everly

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