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The Luck of The Irish

A sorte dos irlandeses

If you had the luck of the Irish If you had the luck of the Irish Se voce tivesse a sorte dos irlandes You'd be sorry and wish you were dead You'd be sorry and wish you were dead Teria pena de si mesmo e preferiria estar morto You should have the luck of the Irish You should have the luck of the Irish Voce devia ter a sorte dos irlandes And you'd wish you was English instead! And you'd wish you was English instead! E voce preferriria ser ingles em vez disso A thousand years of torture and hunger A thousand years of torture and hunger Milhares de anos de tortura e fome Drove the people away from their land Drove the people away from their land Puseram o pvo para fora de sua terra A land full of beauty and wonder A land full of beauty and wonder Um terra cheia de belezxas e maravilhas Was raped by the British brigands! Goddamn! Goddamn! Was raped by the British brigands! Goddamn! Goddamn! Foi violentada pelos bandido britânicos. Miseráveis! Miseráveis! If you could keep voices like flowers If you could keep voices like flowers Se pudéssemos guardar vozes como flores There'd be shamrock all over the world There'd be shamrock all over the world Haveria trevos por todo o mundo If you could drink dreams like Irish streams If you could drink dreams like Irish streams Se pudessemos beber sonhos como córregos irlandes Then the world would be high as the mountain of morn Then the world would be high as the mountain of morn Então o mundo seria alto como a montanha da manhã In the 'Pool they told us the story In the 'Pool they told us the story No pântano eles nos conrtaram a história How the English divided the land How the English divided the land Como os ingles dividiram a terra Of the pain, the death and the glory Of the pain, the death and the glory Da dor, da da morte e da glória And the poets of auld Eireland And the poets of auld Eireland E dos poetas da velha Irlanda If we could make chains with the morning dew If we could make chains with the morning dew Se nos pudéssemos fazer correntes com o orvalho da manhã The world would be like Galway Bay The world would be like Galway Bay O mundo seria como a Baía Glaway Let's walk over rainbows like leprechauns Let's walk over rainbows like leprechauns Vamos caminhar sobre o arco iris como duendes The world would be one big Blarney stone The world would be one big Blarney stone Para que o mundo seja todo ele muma gema preciosa Why the hell are the English there anyway? Why the hell are the English there anyway? Porque diabos os ingleses estão lá afinal? As they kill with God on their side As they kill with God on their side Com eles matam com Deus do lado deles... Blame it all on the kids the IRA Blame it all on the kids the IRA Pondo toda culpa nos jovens e no IRA As the bastards commit genocide! Aye! Aye! Genocide! As the bastards commit genocide! Aye! Aye! Genocide! Enquanto os bastardos cometem genocidio. Ai. Ai. Genocidio! If you had the luck of the Irish If you had the luck of the Irish Se voce tivesse a sorte dos irlandes You'd be sorry and wish you was dead You'd be sorry and wish you was dead Voce lamentaria e preferiria estar morto You should have the luck of the Irish You should have the luck of the Irish Voce devia ter a sorte dos irlandes And you'd wish you was English instead! And you'd wish you was English instead! E voce prefiriria ser um ingles em vez disso Yes you'd wish you was English instead! Yes you'd wish you was English instead! Sim, voce preferiria ser um iunlges em vez disso!!!

Composição: John Lennon

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