
Zachary And Jennifer

Zachary And Jennifer

This song was first released on the Farewell Andromeda Album. It is the only album it has been released on. This song was first released on the Farewell Andromeda Album. It is the only album it has been released on. Esta canção foi lançada no álbum Farewell Andromeda. É o único álbum que foi lançada. Oh, we want to call him Zachary Oh, we want to call him Zachary Oh, queremos chamá-lo de Zachary We¡¯ll raise him in the mountains We¡¯ll raise him in the mountains Nós ¡¯ ll levantá-lo nas montanhas He¡¯ll bather in the crystal fountains He¡¯ll bather in the crystal fountains Ele ¡¯ ll banhista nas fontes de cristal Shining laughter in the sun Shining laughter in the sun Shining riso ao sol And we want to call her Jennifer And we want to call her Jennifer E nós queremos chamá-la de Jennifer She¡¯ll dance in fields of flowers She¡¯ll dance in fields of flowers Ela ¡¯ ll dança nos campos de flores She¡¯ll sing in summer showers She¡¯ll sing in summer showers Ela ¡¯ ll cantar no verão chuveiros Lending music to the time Lending music to the time Empréstimo de música para o time Oh, we want to live forever Oh, we want to live forever Oh, nós queremos viver para sempre In this mirror sea tomorrow In this mirror sea tomorrow Neste mar de espelho de amanhã All the joy and all the sorrow All the joy and all the sorrow Toda a alegria e todo o pesar We can only hope to share We can only hope to share Só podemos esperar para compartilhar Words and music by John Denver Words and music by John Denver Palavras e música de John Denver

Composição: John Denver

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