
Rocky Mountain High

Altas montanhas rochosas

He was born in the summer of his 27th year, He was born in the summer of his 27th year, Ele nasceu no verão de seu 27º ano coming home to a place he'd never been before. coming home to a place he'd never been before. Voltando pra casa para um lugar que ele nunca esteve antes He left yesterday behind him He left yesterday behind him Ele deixou ontem para trás you might say he was born again, you might say he was born again, Você pode dizer que ele nasceu de novo might say he found a key for every door. might say he found a key for every door. Pode dizer que ele encontrou a chave para todas as portas When he first came to the mountains When he first came to the mountains Quando ele veio pela primeira vez para as montanhas His life was far away His life was far away A vida dele estava muito distante on the road and hanging by a song. on the road and hanging by a song. Na estrada, e sustentada por uma canção But the strings already broken But the strings already broken Mas as cordas já quebraram and he doesn't really care, and he doesn't really care, E ele não se importa it keeps changin' fast, and it don't last for long. it keeps changin' fast, and it don't last for long. Continua mudando muito rápido, e não dura por muito tempo It's a Colorado Rocky Mountain High, It's a Colorado Rocky Mountain High, É uma alta montanha rochosa do Colorado I've seen it raining fire in the sky I've seen it raining fire in the sky Eu vi chover fogo no céu The shadows from the starlight are softer than a lullabye. The shadows from the starlight are softer than a lullabye. As sombras da luz das estrelas são mais leves que uma canção de ninar Rocky Mountain High, ...in Colorado.... Rocky Mountain High, ...in Colorado.... Altas montanhas rochosas, no Colorado Rocky Mountain High. Rocky Mountain High. Altas montanhas rochosas He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below, He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below, Ele escalou montanhas como catedrais, saw everything as far as you can see. saw everything as far as you can see. Ele viu nuvens prateadas abaixo And they say that he got crazy once and that he And they say that he got crazy once and that he Viu tudo tão longe quanto você pode ver tried to touch the sun, tried to touch the sun, E eles viram que ele enlouqueceu uma vez and he lost a friend, but kept the memory. and he lost a friend, but kept the memory. E ele tentou tocar o sol, Now he walks in quiet solitude, the forest and the stream, Now he walks in quiet solitude, the forest and the stream, Ele perdeu um amigo, mas manteve a memória seeking grace in every step he takes, seeking grace in every step he takes, Agora ele anda numa silenciosa solidão, his sight is turned inside himself, to try and his sight is turned inside himself, to try and A floresta e a correnteza understand, the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake. understand, the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake. Buscando graça em cada passo que dá And the Colorado Rocky Mountain High, And the Colorado Rocky Mountain High, Sua visão está virada para dentro dele mesmo, I've seen it raining fire in the sky I've seen it raining fire in the sky Para experimentar e entender You can talk to God and listen to the casual reply. You can talk to God and listen to the casual reply. A serenidade de um limpo e azul lago de montanha Rocky Mountain High, ....in Colorado.... Rocky Mountain High, ....in Colorado.... E as altas montanhas rochosas do Colorado Rocky Mountain High. Rocky Mountain High. Eu vi chover fogo no céu Now his life is full of wonder, Now his life is full of wonder, Você pode falar com Deus e ouvir a resposta normal but his heart still knows some fear, but his heart still knows some fear, Altas montanhas rochosas, no Colorado of the simple things he can not comprehend. of the simple things he can not comprehend. Altas montanhas rochosas Why they try to tear the mountains down Why they try to tear the mountains down Agora a vida dele é cheia de maravilhas to bring in a couple more. to bring in a couple more. Mas o coração dele ainda conhece um pouco de medo More people, more scars upon the land. More people, more scars upon the land. Das coisas simples que ele não pode compreender It's the Colorado Rocky Mountain High, It's the Colorado Rocky Mountain High, Porque eles tentam fazer as montanhas chorarem I've seen it raining fire in the sky I've seen it raining fire in the sky Para trazer para dentro um pouco mais I know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an Eagle fly I know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an Eagle fly Mais pessoas, mais cicatrizes sobre a terra Rocky mountain high Rocky mountain high É a alta montanha rochosa do Colorado It's the Colorado Rocky Mountain High, It's the Colorado Rocky Mountain High, Eu vi chover fogo no céu I've seen it raining fire in the sky. I've seen it raining fire in the sky. Eu sei que ele teria sido um homem mais pobre Friend around the camp fire and everybody's high.... Friend around the camp fire and everybody's high.... Se nunca tivesse visto uma águia voar Rocky Mountain High, Rocky Mountain High, Rocky Mountain High, Rocky Mountain High, Altas montanhas rochosas, no Colorado Rocky Mountain High, Rocky Mountain High, Altas montanhas rochosas Rocky Mountain High. Rocky Mountain High. É a alta montanha rochosa do Colorado

Composição: John Denver, Michael Taylor

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