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Slow Train

Lento Trem

There's a slow train coming There's a slow train coming Há um lento trem chegando It's movin' on down the line It's movin' on down the line Ele está se movendo embaixo da linha Steel wheels on iron rails Steel wheels on iron rails Rodas de aço em trilhos de ferro Tonight I'm fixin' to die Tonight I'm fixin' to die Esta noite estou preparado para morrer Woo, I hope you don't mind pretty mama Woo, I hope you don't mind pretty mama Woo, eu espero que você não se importe muito mamãe Woo-hoo, hope you don't mind if I go Woo-hoo, hope you don't mind if I go Woo-woo, espero que você não se importe se eu for 'Cause when the steam from the slow train rises 'Cause when the steam from the slow train rises Porque quando o vapor lento do trem subir I ain't gonna see you anymore I ain't gonna see you anymore Eu não vou mais te ver There's a slow train coming There's a slow train coming Há um lento trem chegando Coming right on time Coming right on time Chegando na hora certa Smokestacks and bottle lightning Smokestacks and bottle lightning Chaminés e relâmpago engarrafado This jumper on the line This jumper on the line Este saltador na linha Woo, I can't do without it anymore pretty mama Woo, I can't do without it anymore pretty mama Woo, eu não posso mais fazer muito sem ele mamãe Yes, I can't do it without it anymore Yes, I can't do it without it anymore Sim, eu não posso fazer isso sem ele 'Cause when the steam from the slow train rises 'Cause when the steam from the slow train rises Porque quando o vapor lento do trem subir I ain't gonna see you anymore I ain't gonna see you anymore Eu não vou mais te ver There's a slow train coming There's a slow train coming Há um lento trem chegando To march us home from war To march us home from war Para marchar para a casa da guerra With my leather boots and my haversack With my leather boots and my haversack Com minhas botas de couro e minha mochila Sure can take it no more Sure can take it no more Claro que não pode levá-lo mais Woo, I cried for her baby when I saw you there Woo, I cried for her baby when I saw you there Woo, eu chorei por seu bebê quando te vi lá Woo-hoo, I cried for her just the same Woo-hoo, I cried for her just the same Woo-hoo, eu chorei por ela do mesmo jeito 'Cause when the steam from the slow train rises 'Cause when the steam from the slow train rises Porque quando o vapor lento do trem subir I'm gonna cry for you just the same I'm gonna cry for you just the same Eu não vou mais te ver Well there's a slow train coming Well there's a slow train coming Há um lento trem chegando Carrying the mighty worker hordes Carrying the mighty worker hordes Para levar as hordas de trabalhadores poderosos Eighteen days in the cotton field Eighteen days in the cotton field Dezoito dias no campo de algodão Enough to put a man out of Enough to put a man out of O suficiente para colocar um homem Woo, It's time to move on pretty mama Woo, It's time to move on pretty mama Woo, é hora de eu seguir muito em frente mamãe Woo-hoo, Yes it's time to move on as I go Woo-hoo, Yes it's time to move on as I go Woo-hoo, sim é a hora de eu seguir em frente e ir As the steam from my slow train rises As the steam from my slow train rises À medida que o vapor do meu lento trem sobe It's time for me to get on board It's time for me to get on board É hora de eu entrar a bordo

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