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I see a dark sail on the horizon I see a dark sail on the horizon eu vi um barco negro no horizonte set under a black cloud that hides the sun. set under a black cloud that hides the sun. justo sob uma nuvem negra que esconda o sol Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. traga-me minha espada e uma descrição clara Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman. Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman. traga-me minha cruz de ouro como um talisman Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing. Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing. levante-se ao redor de casa a posição do penhasco alto Take women and children and bed them down. Take women and children and bed them down. leve as mulheres e as crianças e deite-as Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. traga-me minha espada e sua descrição clara Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman. Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman. traga-me minha cruz de ouro como um talisman Bless with a hard heart those who surround me. Bless with a hard heart those who surround me. abençoe com um dialogo duro aqueles que me cercam Bless the women and children who firm our hands. Bless the women and children who firm our hands. abençoe as mulheres e as crianças que firmam nossas mãos Put our backs to the north wind. Hold fast by the river. Put our backs to the north wind. Hold fast by the river. ponha nossas velas ao vento norte, prenda-as rapidamente pelo rio Sweet memories to drive us on for the motherland. Sweet memories to drive us on for the motherland. memórias doces para dirigir-nos para a terra-natal I see a dark sail on the horizon I see a dark sail on the horizon eu vi um barco negro no horizonte set under a black cloud that hides the sun. set under a black cloud that hides the sun. justo sob uma nuvem negra que esconda o sol So, bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. So, bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. traga-me minha espada e uma descrição clara Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman. Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman. traga-me minha cruz de ouro como um talisman So bring me my broadsword So bring me my broadsword traga-me minha espada e uma descrição clara And a cross of gold as a talisman. And a cross of gold as a talisman. traga-me minha cruz de ouro como um talisman

Composição: Ian Anderson

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