Há um lugar na escuridão que eu costumo agarrar.Que coloca a esperança There's a place in the darkness I use to cling to. That presses harsh hope There's a place in the darkness I use to cling to. That presses harsh hope contra o tempo.Na ausência de mártires há a presença de ladrões. against time. In the absence of martyrs there's a presence of thieves. who against time. In the absence of martyrs there's a presence of thieves. who que só querem lhe roubar cegamente.Eles roubam qualquer senso de paz,apesar de ser um only want to rob you blind. They steal away any sense of peace tho I'm a only want to rob you blind. They steal away any sense of peace tho I'm a rei. Eu sou um rei de joelhos.E eu sei que eles estão errados quando dizem que king. I'm a king on my knees. And I know they are wrong when they say I king. I'm a king on my knees. And I know they are wrong when they say I eu sou forte.Enquanto a escuridão me cobre.Então eu acendo a luz e revelo toda am strong. As the darkness covers me. So I turn on the light and reveal all am strong. As the darkness covers me. So I turn on the light and reveal all a glória,Eu não tenho medo.De suportar toda a minha fraqueza, sabendo obedientemente the glory I am not afraid. To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, the glory I am not afraid. To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, Que eu tenho um reino a ganhar.Onde há paz e Amor? Na Luz, na Luz. I have a kingdom to gain. Where there is peace and Love in the Light in I have a kingdom to gain. Where there is peace and Love in the Light in Eu não tenho medo.De deixar a sua luz brilhar em minha vida. the Light, I am not afraid. To let your light shine bright in my life In my life. the Light, I am not afraid. To let your light shine bright in my life In my life. Em minha vida.Há fantasmas do meu passado que possuíram mais da minha alma There are ghosts from my past who have owned more of my soul. Than I There are ghosts from my past who have owned more of my soul. Than I Do que eu pensei ter cedido.Eles esperam nos armários e debaixo da minha cama. thought I had given away. They linger in closets and under my bed. And in thought I had given away. They linger in closets and under my bed. And in E em quadros menos orgulhosamente mostrados.Um grande bobo eu fui em minha vida. pictures less proudly dis-played. A great fool in my Life I have been. pictures less proudly dis-played. A great fool in my Life I have been. Estou pálido e magro de tão gasto.De cabeça baixa pela vergonha e recusando levar a culpa. Have squandered til pallid and thin. Hung my head in shame and refused Have squandered til pallid and thin. Hung my head in shame and refused Da escuridão eu sei que deixei ganhar.Você pode me ouvir? to take blame. From darkness I know I've let win. Can you hear me? can to take blame. From darkness I know I've let win. Can you hear me? can Você pode me ouvir? you hear me? you hear me?