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You come around here You come around here Você vem aqui Trying to make your demand. Trying to make your demand. Tentando fazer sua exigência You've got a need, darling, You've got a need, darling, Você tem uma necessidade, querido I've seen it grow and expand. I've seen it grow and expand. Eu a vi crescer e se expandir Yeah, you want to reveal my life Yeah, you want to reveal my life É, você quer reconstruir minha vida With your own two hands. With your own two hands. Com as suas próprias mãos. Well, tell me now Well, tell me now Bem, diga-me agora What are you trying to do ? What are you trying to do ? O que você está tentando fazer? Those holes in your life Those holes in your life Aqueles buracos na sua vida Show what you require. Show what you require. Mostram o que você necessita You're needin' new eyes, You're needin' new eyes, Você precisa e pede Oh Lord, honey take any wire ? Oh Lord, honey take any wire ? Oh, Senhor, querido, pegue de qualquer maneira Yeah you've gotta save us all Yeah you've gotta save us all Sim, você vai salvar todos nós Before the next big fire. Before the next big fire. Antes do próximo grande incêndio Tell me now Tell me now Me diga agora What are you trying to do ? What are you trying to do ? O que você está tentando fazer? Walked in my life, Walked in my life, Você andou na minha vida Child, and I don't even know your name. Child, and I don't even know your name. Criança, e eu nem sei seu nome You put others around behind ya You put others around behind ya Você tenta esquecer as vidas dos outros As if they were lame. As if they were lame. Como se eles não valessem a pena You insist a simple feeling You insist a simple feeling Você insiste que esse sentimento simples Will be all the same. Will be all the same. Seja chamado de louco Well, tell me now Well, tell me now Me diga agora What are you trying to do ? What are you trying to do ? O que você está tentando fazer? Now I look like I'm suffering, Now I look like I'm suffering, Agora, eu pareço estar sofrendo, querido? N-n-n-n-n-n-now I'm doing fine. N-n-n-n-n-n-now I'm doing fine. Não, eu estou bem One look at yourself baby, One look at yourself baby, Vamos, olhe pra você mesmo querido Child, I got you alive. Child, I got you alive. Eu te escrevo! Yeah, you're gonna take care of yours, Yeah, you're gonna take care of yours, Sim, vá lá e cuide do seu I'll take care of mine. I'll take care of mine. Eu vou cuidar do meu What are you trying to do ? What are you trying to do ? O que você está tentando fazer?" Hey! Hey! Hey!

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