
Messed Up Kids

Crianças Infelizes

Johnny deals a bit of blow on the side Johnny deals a bit of blow on the side Johnny lida com um pouco de pancadas no lado Thinks that he's invencible, hates a fight Thinks that he's invencible, hates a fight Acha que é invencível, odeia uma luta Jenny walks the streets alone, she was fine Jenny walks the streets alone, she was fine Jenny anda pelas ruas sozinha, ela estava bem But she got kicked out of her home in hard times But she got kicked out of her home in hard times Mas foi expulsa de sua casa em tempos difíceis The messed up kids are on the corner with no money The messed up kids are on the corner with no money As crianças infelizes estão na esquina, sem dinheiro They sell their time, they sell their drugs, they sell their body They sell their time, they sell their drugs, they sell their body Elas vendem seu tempo, vendem suas drogas, vendem seu corpo And everywhere I see a sea of empty pockets And everywhere I see a sea of empty pockets E em todo lugar eu vejo um mar de bolsos vazios Beautiful girls with eyes so dark within their sockets Beautiful girls with eyes so dark within their sockets Meninas bonitas com olhos tão escuros dentro de suas órbitas So far away So far away Tão longe It's a washed out Saturday It's a washed out Saturday É um sábado desgastado The sky all pastel shades The sky all pastel shades O céu em tons pastel Under breezeblock palisades Under breezeblock palisades Sob uma paliçada sem brisa Lights are out the streets are cold in the town Lights are out the streets are cold in the town As luzes saíram, as ruas estão frias na cidade Places no one really goes to hang around Places no one really goes to hang around Lugares que ninguém vai realmente para passear Gave up on us long ago with no hope Gave up on us long ago with no hope Desisti de nós há muito tempo sem esperança All you hear's the cold wind blow and get stoned All you hear's the cold wind blow and get stoned Tudo que você ouve é o vento frio e fica chapada The messed up kids are on the corner with no money The messed up kids are on the corner with no money As crianças infelizes estão na esquina, sem dinheiro They sell their time, they sell their drugs, they sell their body They sell their time, they sell their drugs, they sell their body Elas vendem seu tempo, vendem suas drogas, vendem seu corpo And everywhere I see a sea of empty pockets And everywhere I see a sea of empty pockets E em todo lugar eu vejo um mar de bolsos vazios Beautiful girls with eyes so dark within their sockets Beautiful girls with eyes so dark within their sockets Meninas bonitas com olhos tão escuros dentro de suas órbitas So far away So far away Tão longe It's a washed out Saturday It's a washed out Saturday É um sábado desgastado The sky all pastel shades The sky all pastel shades O céu em tons pastéis Under breezeblock palisades Under breezeblock palisades Sob uma paliçada sem brisa The messed up kids are on the corner with no money The messed up kids are on the corner with no money As crianças infelizes estão na esquina, sem dinheiro They sell their time, they sell their drugs, they sell their body They sell their time, they sell their drugs, they sell their body Elas vendem seu tempo, vendem suas drogas, vendem seu corpo And everywhere I see a sea of empty pockets And everywhere I see a sea of empty pockets E em todo lugar eu vejo um mar de bolsos vazios Beautiful girls with eyes so dark within their sockets Beautiful girls with eyes so dark within their sockets Meninas bonitas com olhos tão escuros dentro de suas órbitas So far away So far away Tão longe It's a washed out Saturday It's a washed out Saturday É um sábado desgastado The sky all pastel shades The sky all pastel shades O céu em tons pastel Under breezeblock palisades Under breezeblock palisades Sob uma paliçada sem brisa

Composição: Brendan Benson, Iain Denis Archer, Jake Kennedy

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